Two weeks remained until the start of the exclusive ABEX tournament for streamers, also known as the Ebe Festival. It was to be held on a Sunday.
Twitto Post: [Eh, are they serious about this lol]
Twitto Post: [This is definitely going to cause a shitstorm lmao]
Twitto Post: [I feel sorry for the members lol]
Twitto Post: [A clown has somehow slipped in there!]
Twitto Post: [The organizers are definitely messing around lol]
ABEX players using social media, particularly Twitto, were showing great excitement.
Besides “#EbeFestival”, the trending tags also included “#AxcisCrown” and “#Oni-chan”.
Why did this phenomenon occur?
It happened because the promotional video released on Twitto by the official Ebe Festival management team was unlike any of its predecessors.
To be precise, it was because of the ending. It had too much impact.
At first, traditional Japanese instruments like taiko drums played in the background, while the revelation of Team 1 and their respective member’s MouTube profile pictures emerged.
Continuing smoothly up to Team 19, the team that would close out the event was Team 20.
Two members of the pro gaming team “Axcis Crown”:
And then—
At the moment the last member shrouded in mystery was introduced…
The BGM of traditional Japanese instruments like taiko drums stopped—replaced by the ominous sound of a deep bass wind, and the screen faded to black.
A few seconds later, the screen transitioned to a place resembling ruins, where a fully black-clad, physically large man slowly walked forward, created in CG.
In a scene like from a movie, as the large man, wearing a hood, began to move out of frame, a gunshot rang out from behind.
He immediately stopped in his tracks and turned around—revealing what was engraved on his back.
For several seconds, the character “鬼 (Oni)” was displayed.
Then, as if using an ultimate move like those seen in ABEX, the large man made a motion and vanished like ashes.
With a thunderous roar, lightning struck, transitioning to the text: “14 days until the streamer-exclusive ABEX tournament, Ebe Festival!!” thus ending the video.
The hidden member with the “????????” username from Team 20 By now, you probably already guessed who it was.
With such a powerful promotion and the participation of such an unexpected individual, the buzz was enormous.
Twitto Post: [Oni-chan’s joining? How’s this going to turn out!?]
Twitto Post: [This tournament is going to be wild.]
Twitto Post: [I’m really hyped for this Ebe Festival now lol!]
Twitto Post: [Well, to be honest, the organizers have great taste lol.]
With many such tweets like this, several ABEX-related topics trended.
“……” (Haruto)
In the midst of this whirlwind, Haruto, also known as Oni-chan, ignored the excessive notifications he’d been getting and repeatedly watched the PV, his face turning pale each time.
“I-I mean… I did say they could promote it however they want, but I never thought the organizers would do something like this…” (Haruto)
Overwhelmed by the mounting pressure, Haruto let out a weak sigh and collapsed onto his bed.
Illustration of Oni-chan

He immediately stopped in his tracks and turned around—revealing what was engraved on his back.
TL Notes:
Thanks for reading!
Man, that’s actually pretty frickin cool. Whoever created that video knew what they were doing. I can totally see this trending for a while. Also, that illustration is just fire.
And, that’s the end of this volume. As of right now, I don’t really have another planned series except maybe this one which is coming out like tmr so I may just pick this up:
Also, in my country, I’m required to serve in the army for 2 years, and by the time Vol 3 comes out, I’ll probably be busy. Maybe I can get out like 2-3 chapters a week, but it’s still hard to say.
Just ought to let you know ahead of time. And during that time, there’s no way I can start a series, so I’ll mostly be gone, aside from playing catchup with any new volumes of my finished series.
- None
Thanks for the chapter!! Good luck to you with the army too, will you translate the volume 3 of this series when you serving your country ?
Well, it depends on the situation at that time, cause idk what kind of life to expect from the army. If life becomes too tough, I’ll probably not be able to do it.
Thanks for the translation, this has been a refreshing romcom so far which hopefully continues
Thanks for your hard work
Thank you for the translation! I hope you’ll have the time to translate this wonderful series even when you’re in the army. Good luck on your endeavors TL-san!
Thank you for the translation it was a really nice and heartwarming story!! Best of luck at the army honey it doesn’t get too busy!
Hell yeah. I’m feeling the hype from up here.
Thanks for TL hope being in the army isnt too harsh
ty for TL the novel, it really good
at first i though this novel is like the story of kamito join Geinin Ryoudan but after reading it even tho it different but quite interest, i am sure author watch really much scrim and streamer and vspo to write this, hope he focus little more on streaming cause it funny as hell
Just caught up!!
Thanks for the translations, looking forward for the next
May you serve the country and come back home safely my man, respect [pressed F]. Oh, and thank you for the translation!