After finishing the call, I started tidying up my place. Once I began cleaning, I couldn’t help but notice even the smallest details… I had a gut feeling it wouldn’t be finished in just one day, so I made a detailed plan. I cleaned one area at a time, starting with the living room and the entrance.
Several days passed with this cleaning routine… And then, the day of the collaboration arrived.
“Why am I feeling so restless?” (Rui)
It’s currently 5:30 PM. I remained seated, waiting for everyone to arrive at my house. Ayaka and the others must have arranged to meet somewhere before coming over, so it might take some time… We planned to start streaming at 6 PM, so I think they should be arriving soon. Or maybe not yet…
*Ding Dong*
“…!” (Rui)
Suddenly, I heard the bell sound from the entrance. Have they arrived? I quickly stood up and checked the intercom screen…
There they were.
A petite girl with a headband, a grinning young man in a loose hoodie. And behind them, Ayaka standing with her arms crossed. I didn’t need confirmation, but these were undoubtedly the cheerful Owen’s crew members.
I pressed the intercom button, trying not to reveal my nervousness, and called out to them.
“Yes?” (Rui)
Then the girl in front of me blinked her eyes rapidly.
“Ah! I’ve got a delivery for you!” (Karen)
“You’re Karen, right?” (Rui)
“Wa—How did you know!?” (Karen)
“If you’re going to prank someone, maybe use a different approach…” (Rui)
Her voice is too distinctive. Plus, there’s a camera at the entrance… Anyway, I pressed the unlock button while watching Karen blush with embarrassment.
…And shortly after that, the intercom at the entrance rang again. I walked to the door, unlocked it, and opened it… There stood the three people I had seen on the monitor.
“Hehehe! We’ve come to play, Rui!” (Ayaka)
Ayaka said with a joyful expression.
“Yeah. Come on in for now.” (Rui)
“Excuse us!” (Ayaka)
“Pardon me!” (Karen)
“Sorry for intruding!” (Robin)
Then I guided the three members of the Owen group and had them sit on the cushions I had laid out in the living room.
By the way, these were brand new cushions I had just bought yesterday… Ayaka quickly noticed it and pointed at one of the cushions.
“Hey, Rui. You bought this specifically for today, didn’t you?” (Ayaka)
“How did you know…?” (Rui)
“Well, you don’t really need stuff like this when you live alone, right?” (Ayaka)
Ayaka chuckled softly as she said that… But does she not consider the possibility that I might live with someone or occasionally have friends over…? Well… It’s frustrating that she’s right, though. I’ve been living alone for a while, so I can’t really argue back.
And Karen, still seated, glanced around my room with curiosity.
“Wow… This is my first time entering a guy’s house!” (Karen)
“Um, please don’t stare so much, it’s embarrassing…” (Rui)
I say that, but my line somehow feels a bit suggestive… Similarly, Robin also looked around my room with an air of curiosity.
“Hmm, it’s been a long time since I’ve been to someone else’s house… Back in elementary school, I was banned from almost every house I went to.” (Robin)
“What did you do, Robin?” (Rui)
“Hehe… Want to hear about it? Back in elementary school, I went to a friend’s house to play and ended up eating all the snacks meant for everyone by myself. The story got out to other classmates, and rumors spread that ‘Robin eats up all the snacks when he visits’!” (Robin)
“That’s definitely ban-worthy.” (Rui)
Upon hearing Robin’s storytelling, both of them burst into laughter.
“Hahaha! That story’s interesting! You should’ve shared it during the stream!” (Ayaka)
“Should we start the stream now then? It’s a bit early though.” (Rui)
“But… we haven’t decided what kind of stream to do yet. Is it okay to start it without a plan?” (Karen)
Karen seemed a bit concerned. Since she respects Ayaka, she probably wanted to have thorough planning beforehand. It wouldn’t bother me either way, but Robin interjected with a casual remark.
“Well, this collab today is kind of like a welcome party for Rui Boy, so I think a bit of messiness is okay, right? Plus, since it’s going to be on Rui’s channel… How about leaving the decision to him?” (Robin)
“Yeah, that makes sense! Let’s leave it to Rui!” (Ayaka)
“Alright! If that’s the case, let’s go with that!” (Karen)
Everyone seemed satisfied, and the decision was left up to me. Indeed, as Robin put it, since today’s collab was more of a meet-and-greet party for me, detailed planning might not be necessary. But well, if I had to choose something…
“Got it. So, how about we keep it casual with a talk-focused stream? We can pick up questions from viewers along the way, maybe even have a simple Q&A session… And if we run out of things to do, we can switch to games or something like that. How does that sound?” (Rui)
“Hehe, yeah! Sounds good to me!” (Ayaka)
Ayaka nodded first, followed by the other two.
“Alright, let’s get ready for the stream then… Oh, by the way, only I can move the VTuber models, right?” (Rui)
“In that case, you can just display a static image of our models!” (Ayaka)
“Ah, got it.” (Rui)
With my laptop in hand, I started preparing the streaming setup.
“Rui-san, I think you should also prepare a microphone!” (Karen)
“Yeah, you’re right. But with my stand mic, it might not pick up everyone’s voices well…” (Rui)
“Oh, I brought an omnidirectional microphone exactly for situations like this! It can capture everyone’s voices!” (Karen)
“Wow, that’s impressive!” (Rui)
Karen took out an omnidirectional microphone from her bag and placed it at the center of the desk where we were gathered. It’s really reassuring to have such experienced streamers around.
“Rui-boy, let me help too.” (Robin)
“Yeah, sure… Wait, what are you doing!?” (Rui)
When I glanced over at Robin, he was inflating a golden balloon. Continuing to pump it up and down with an air pump.
“It’s obvious, isn’t it? It’s decoration.” (Robin)
“Why did you bring something like that…?” (Rui)
“I stopped by the 100-yen shop. I picked up some party hats and… see, I even got this ‘Today’s Star’ sash.” (Robin)
Robin stopped pumping the air and happily pulled out party supplies from the bag he had brought. Then, right then and there, he puts the ‘Today’s Star’ sash over me.
“This won’t show up on the stream, but… well, thanks.” (Rui)
“Hehe, no need for thanks. I’m looking forward to this too.” (Robin)
“Alright, shall we get started?” (Rui)
“Yes!” (Karen)
“Yeah!” (Ayaka)
Confirming that everything was set for the stream, I looked at everyone and clicked the button to start the live stream.
Comments:『Oh, an off-collab, that’s rare』
Comments:『Come to think of it, Rui’s part of the Owen group too, huh』
Comments:『Don’t you mean the ramen group…? (whispering)』
Comments:『Seasoning growing on the table』
Comments:『Can’t wait to see him actually grow them lol』
Having confirmed the usual (silly) comments scrolling by, I approached the microphone Karen had brought and spoke up.
“Aaa… Aaa… Can you hear me, everyone?” (Rui)
Comments:『Can’t hear you!』
Comments:『Can’t hear anything!』
Comments:『Did you change your mic? We can’t hear you』
Comments:『Yeah, the sound quality seems a bit different… Can’t hear you though』
The mic expert over here is watching… Why are you still stubbornly lying?
“…Alright, sounds like you can hear me. Just a heads-up. Since it’s a collab today, let’s try to keep things calm, Ruimins. Otherwise, Karen and Robin’s viewers might be surprised.” (Rui)
Comments:『Sorry (ごめん)』
Comments:『Sorry (ご麵)1』
Comments:『Summa-noodles (すんま麵)』
Comments:『Yuru-seimen (ゆる製麵)』
Comments:『Robin tends to get teased a lot by viewers.』
Comments:『Robin getting toyed with by viewers → ○○○○○』
“Oh, there’s a clip… I mean! I said it’s a collab today! I can’t chat with comments like I do in solo streams! Right now, Rei and the others are laughing at me!!” (Rui)
As I interacted with the comments, laughter could be heard around me. It was a bit satisfying to make them laugh, but embarrassment definitely won out overwhelmingly.
Comments:『So that was Rei-chan laughing after all』
Comments:『Rui’s so kind to engage with us』
Comments:『It might be funny if Rui ends up talking alone』
“It’s not funny… Alright then, since there’s no end to this, let’s get started with introductions. Let’s go clockwise.” (Rui)
Saying that I turned to Ayaka sitting next to me… Sensing this, Ayaka started her usual introduction with a lively voice.
“Okay~! I’m Rei Azuril, a dark mage from [Sky Sunriver]! I’m really happy to be here for this off-collab today!” (Rei)
Comments:『Rei looks like she’s having fun already.』
Next up was Karen’s introduction.
“I’m Karen Story, the healer who will heal your heart! …Um, being watched like this is a bit embarrassing, isn’t it…?” (Karen)
Comments:『Karen looks cute today too!』
And now, Robin.
“Hahaha! I am Robin… Flail! Due to certain circumstances today, I’ve lowered my voice volume to the level of Nuwacchan’s fruit juice2! Sorry if it’s hard to hear!” (Robin)
Comments:『There he goes』
Comments:『We can hear you fine』
Comments:『What percentage though』
Comments:『Yeah, orange and apple juices have different consistencies, right…』
“And finally, it’s me. …I’m Rui Astica. Today, we’re gathered for an Owen group off-collab… well, it’s at my place.” (Rui)
Comments:『Rui’s house!?』
Comments:『The ramen house, huh』
“So, yeah, there’s nothing really fancy to do here. Let’s just casually chat while munching on snacks. I’m the rookie of the Owen group, so there’s still a lot I don’t know… I’ll do my best not to drag everyone down.” (Rui)
Of course, there might be viewers out there who haven’t had the best impression of me joining the Owen group. While I’m not exactly trying to earn their approval… I do hope they might change their minds even just a little…
“Hmm?” (Rui)
Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder from beside me. When I turned around… Robin flashed a bright smile, showing his white teeth.
“Hahaha! You don’t need to worry about that, Rui Boy. Aren’t we all good pals now?” (Robin)
“R-Robin…!” (Rui)
…Yeah, Robin’s actually a really great guy deep down.
“…………Hmph. Anyways, shall we search under the bed? We might find some unexpected treasures.” (Robin)
“Oi…” (Rui)
Comments:『Oh man』
Comments:『Ruining the emotional moment』
Comments:『Emotion Breaker』
And then Robin put his head down on the floor and seriously started searching under the bed. Of course, I’d cleaned my stuff under there, so there was nothing, but… Seeing this, Ayaka shot me a sharp glance.
“Hey. Rui, do you have something like that hidden there? Something naughty?” (Rei)
“We don’t need to discuss that… Besides, I get all that stuff digitally…” (Rui)
Comments:『Oi, high schooler』
“…Let’s not talk about that, okay?” (Rui)
I couldn’t deny that I’d dug myself into a bit of a hole. But since I didn’t explicitly mention adult stuff, I considered it a safe comment. Yeah, totally safe.
Then, despite looking slightly troubled, Karen kindly offered a lifeline.
“Um… How about we introduce ourselves in more detail? It’s my first time meeting Rui-san, and there might be a lot we don’t know about each other. Plus, the viewers could learn more about the Owen group too!” (Karen)
“That’s a great idea, Karen-chan. I’ll turn it into a song next time.” (Rei)
“You always say the most random things, don’t you…?” (Rui)
“Hehe, but I think it’s a good idea! Rui, you don’t know much about Karen-chan or Robin-kun yet, do you?” (Rei)
“Well… embarrassingly, no.” (Rui)
Since the collab was planned, I had looked up a bit about the two of them and watched a few clips, but between cleaning and my part-time job, I hadn’t had much time to look too deeply into it.
“But Ms Karen, what should we start with?” (Robin)
“Hmm… favorite food?” (Karen)
“That’s probably on the wiki, so… how about something a bit more personal?” (Rui)
Then Ayaka made a suggestion.
“How about the reason we became VTubers? I’m curious about everyone’s story too!” (Rei)
“Oh, that’s a good idea.” (Karen)
“Yes! I think it’s a great idea!” (Robin)
With Robin also nodding in agreement, we decided that the person who lost rock-paper-scissors would go first. As it turned out, Robin lost.
“Hmm… so it’s me first.” (Robin)
Comments:『Did it get decided in one go?』
Comments:『Robin’s really bad at rock-paper-scissors lol』
Comments:『It suits his character, though』
Then, for once, Robin spoke in a serious tone and began his story.
“I haven’t really talked about this before… but I became a VTuber because there was one VTuber I really wanted to meet. That sole desire drove me to get this far.” (Robin)
“Wow, that’s amazing! So, Robin-kun, did you get to meet that person?” (Rei)
At Ayaka’s question, Robin nodded.
“I did meet them. However… that person has since retired. So, meeting them as a VTuber is no longer possible.” (Robin)
“……” (Rui)
I couldn’t say anything… I didn’t know what to say to Robin. Ayaka and Karen also had similar expressions to mine, probably thinking the same thing.
“…Hey, what’s with this atmosphere!? Cheer up, will you!?” (Robin)
Robin, who seemed to be panicking, spoke hastily, but finding his reaction amusing, I decided to stay silent. Then Ayaka exaggeratedly covered her face with both hands.
“I-I didn’t know… Robin-kun was carrying such feelings with him all this time!” (Rei)
Continuing, Karen also took out candy from her bag and offered it with a gentle expression.
“Robin-san… Would you like some candy?” (Karen)
“No, no! Don’t apologize! Don’t worry about it! I actually have their contact information, so it’s not like a complete farewell!” (Robin)
“Oh, I see.” (Rui)
I had thought he was already in a situation where he couldn’t meet that person anymore… Then Robin let out a small cough.
“Moreover, there’s more to this story… Someday, I’ll stand on a grand stage of my own. She promised she’d meet me again if she recognized me as a top VTuber. So I’m continuing my activities with that goal in mind. It’s not like I’m sad or lacking motivation!” (Robin)
Comments:『Oh, I see』
Comments:『I didn’t know that』
Comments:『Robin has such a past, huh…』
And with the conversation settling down, Robin extended his arms like a magician.
“Well, I apologize for taking up so much time. Who’s up next?” (Robin)
“Oh, how about we continue with the rock-paper-scissors?” (Rui)
Realizing we hadn’t decided who would go after Robin, the rest of us—excluding Robin—played rock-paper-scissors. The next one to lose was… Karen.
“Oh, looks like it’s my turn!” (Karen)
After a brief moment of consideration, Karen spoke up.
“Um, well, I didn’t have a clear reason like Robin-san, but… I’ve always enjoyed interacting with people. I used to participate in various activities like volunteering and local clean-ups.” (Karen)
“Wow, that’s impressive.” (Rui)
Everyone nodded in admiration.
“And then… one day, I came across VTubers on a video-sharing site. Watching their videos not only lifted my spirits but also made me realize how much I had neglected the internet. I thought, ‘Maybe through the internet, I can connect with many people, even those I wouldn’t meet in my daily life!’ That’s when I decided to become a VTuber.” (Karen)
“I see! So that’s why you became a VTuber!” (Rei)
“Yes! So, I researched about VTubers, applied for auditions… and they said the deciding factor was my lack of familiarity with the internet!” (Karen)
“Well… I think that innocence is quite valuable, you know?” (Rui)
Not many people have such a pure heart like that… especially in the world of the internet… And Karen-san blushed slightly, squirming a bit.
“Um, I was embarrassed to say this before… but, um, the VTuber who lifted my spirits was actually Rei-san… hehe.” (Karen)
“Eh, Karen-chan…!? I… I love you! Let’s get married!!” (Rei)
Comments:『Aww, that’s sweet!』
Comments:『That’s so cute!』
Comments:『This lovey-dovey stuff is just what I needed!』
Comments:『Thinking this is happening at Rui’s house makes it even funnier.』
Amidst the joyful comments about their sweet moment, I asked Karen-san.
“…So, Karen-san, does that mean you joined after Rei did?” (Rui)
“Yep! That’s right!” (Rei)
“Well, actually, in the early days of Owen group, it was just Rei-chan and me.” (Karen)
“Oh, really? I didn’t know that.” (Rui)
I had no idea.
“So… does that mean there’s a possibility of more members joining in the future?”(Rui)
“Well, that’s something only the management knows!” (Rei)
And with Karen’s story wrapped up, Ayaka and I decided to play rock-paper-scissors next. The result… I lost.
“Alright, then it’s my turn… Though, my start in this whole thing was pretty weird. I was just hanging out with Rei and somehow ended up here… Still don’t really get it.” (Rui)
“Hehe, the president sure had an eye for talent!” (Rei)
“…But Rei, you probably got scolded by your manager or someone for putting me in a stream before I was a VTuber, right? Weren’t you pushing it with that one?” (Rui)
As I said this, Ayaka looked a bit awkward, showing a troubled expression…
“…Well, as they say, all’s well that ends well! After all, if it weren’t for that, Rui wouldn’t be here!” (Rei)
“Well… yeah, that’s true. Just to clarify, though, I never intended to become a VTuber, and Rei didn’t invite me over to become one either. It might sound unconvincing, but that’s the truth, so please believe me.” (Rui)
Comments:『But you’re here now』
“Well, yeah, I‘m here now… But there were various things that happened along the way! It’s a long story if I start talking about it!” (Rui)
Comments:『That’s right! That was a fake Rui created by Rei with black magic!』
Comments:『Black magic lol』
Comments:『Using black magic, I wonder if we could see the early days of Rui again?』
“Arrrgghh! Seriously! Stop bringing up the black magic thing!! I was putting a lot of effort into my character backstory too, you know!!” (Rui)
Remembering my debut stream, my face turns red… Seeing me like this, Robin laughs.
“Hahaha, well, no one else will ever debut as a VTuber in the same way as Rui Boy, that’s for sure!” (Robin)
“You’ve got that right!” (Rei)
“Indeed, otherwise things would get pretty messy… Alright, last but not least is Rei… Come to think of it, I don’t think I know why Rei became a VTuber.” (Rui)
“Me neither!” (Rei)
“Nor I.” (Robin)
The three of us turn our gaze towards Ayaka, who then chooses her moment to speak.
“Um, well, for me… I don’t really have a strong reason, but maybe because I was bored?” (Rei)
Ayaka said that… but.
“I see. That’s really straightforward.” (Robin)
“But I think even that’s a good reason to start!” (Karen)
Ayaka’s eyes seemed to suggest that she might be lying.
Comments:『I see.』
Comments:『Well, you can’t become a VTuber if you’re not bored, right?』
Comments:『It’s good that Rei came into this world even if just to kill time!』
Comments:『Rei being bored was a good thing.』
…It seems like I’m the only one who noticed that. Well, of course, it could just be my misunderstanding.
Actually, it was just my hunch that made me think that… I decided it wasn’t necessary to press further and disrupt the flow. If I do want to ask, I can do it after the stream ends… And then Ayaka continued speaking.
“Alright, so everyone has talked about their beginnings! What should we discuss next?” (Rei)
“Well, how about we talk about our future plans together!” (Robin)
To that suggestion, Karen eagerly raised her hand.
“Oh, if that’s the case! I’d like to try cooking with everyone!” (Karen)
Ayaka quickly responded to that.
“That sounds great! I’d love to cook with you, Karen-chan!” (Rei)
“Not a bad idea… But doing it on stream might be challenging.” (Rui)
“We are virtual beings after all.” (Robin)
The debate over whether VTubers should produce irl videos exists, but honestly, I think as long as it’s entertaining, why not?
Though I can understand the sentiment that if it becomes commonplace, it might raise questions like “Isn’t the character unnecessary?” Well, finding a balance is something we should figure out.
Comments:『But there are VTubers who do cooking streams』
Comments:『I hope it becomes a reality』
Comments:『Rui, can you make a bento for us?』
Comments:『Let’s have Rui’s Youth Bento Championship!』
Haha… The Youth Bento Championship sounds hilariously fun, but the concern is that there might not be anyone willing to participate…
“Hmm… How about getting support from the staff or something?” (Karen)
“Or better yet, why don’t we just have our own show made?” (Rei)
“Isn’t that asking for too much…?” (Rui)
“Hehe! But it would be exciting if the Owen group had its own show!” (Rei)
Comments:『Give us the Owen group show!! Seriously!!』
Comments:『Give us one everyday, please!』
Comments:『Let’s ask the president』
Well, it doesn’t hurt to ask. It might not be a bad idea to consult with Nemo-san. Let’s try mentioning it next time.
“Now, in return… what would you like, Rui?” (Rei)
“Me? Well… I can’t think of anything specific I want to do right now. But I do feel like I want to try various things that I haven’t experienced before. Just like how we’re collaborating offline like this, it’s something I couldn’t have imagined doing before.” (Rui)
Before becoming a VTuber, I definitely wouldn’t have done live streams or invited people over to my house. But once I started streaming, I found it surprisingly enjoyable… I began to think that challenging myself with things I had avoided before wouldn’t be a bad idea.
“Well, Rui just wants to experience his youth, right?” (Rei)
“Please stop saying it in a way that embarrasses me…” (Rui)
Comments:『You’re still having plenty of youth now, aren’t you?』
Comments:『Really, Rui, it’s great that you became a VTuber…』
“Then, Robin-san, what do you want to do?” (Karen)
“Me? I want to try singing. Of course, with this group!” (Robin)
“Well, Robin’s aiming to be a big star.” (Rui)
“Hmph. Don’t tease me too much, Rui Boy…” (Robin)
Then surprisingly… Robin shyly lowered his face… Cut it out, although, it’s a little cute.
Comments:『Once you know their goals, I feel like cheering them on.』
Comments:『Go for it, Robin!』
“Alright, what about Rei? Any ideas?” (Rui)
“Yeah! I want to play games with everyone!” (Rei)
“Games? We can do that right now if you want…?” (Rui)
I directed my gaze towards the video game console “Snatch” placed in front of the monitor. Ayaka, while twirling her hair, spoke.
“Oh, of course, Rui’s usual games are fine and all… But I think playing board games or going to an actual game center would be fun too!” (Rei)
“Oh, that sounds interesting!” (Robin)
“I want to take Purikura3 photos with Rei!” (Karen)
I see… That does indeed sound like fun.
“That’s a good idea, but we can’t go out to play right now. Plus, I don’t have any board games either… How about we stick to regular games for today? We can save board games and arcades for another time.” (Rui)
“Oh, yeah! That sounds good!” (Robin)
“I’m looking forward to it!” (Karen)
Comments:『Oh, exciting!』
Comments:『Board games & arcade stream coming!?』
Comments:『Nice, looking forward to it』
Comments:『This is what I live for!』
I don’t want this to become someone’s sole reason for living, but it’s amazing that there are so many people looking forward to it.
“So, Rui, what games are we playing now? For a game that four of us can play, how about [Smash Fighters]?” (Robin)
“[Smash Fighters] is a no-go because Rui is too strong! It gets frustrating!” (Rei)
“Ahaha… How about [MariMo Party] then? I bought the new one but haven’t played much… been solo.” (Robin)
Upon hearing the title of the party game, Karen reacted with a twitch.
“Ah, [MariMo Party]! That’s great! I used to play it a lot with my sister!” (Karen)
“Oh, really? Karen-san, you have an older sister?” (Rui)
“Yes! She’s a very nice person, just like Rei-san!” (Karen)
“…………I see.” (Rui)
“Rui~ What’s with that pause~?” (Rei)
Comments:『That’s scary』
“Uh, well… By the way, Rei, did you bring the controllers?” (Rui)
“Yeah, I brought enough for everyone, just in case.” (Rei)
“You’re super prepared.” (Rui)
…And so, we set up the game and started playing [MariMo Party] with the four of us. Initially, I thought I was dominating, but in a surprising turn of events, Ayaka made a huge comeback victory with the bonus items at the end. It’s frustrating, but well… that’s life, isn’t it?
TL Notes:
Thanks for reading!
Betting like 80% that Ayaka becoming a VTuber had something to do with Rei. I mean, come on, Rui & Rei? The name sounds similar.
Ok, so I have read on ahead cause I was curious why this chapter is so long and… OMG there was a lot of romantic development happening towards the end. And I mean a lot. We finally got some childhood friend justice!
Now, I did skip the in-between section and only read the end, but holy shit, now I’m more motivated to translate this. Sooo, for the next few days, I’ll only be translating this series for the next few days until this chapter is done.
- So the first one is ごめん, which is sorry (gomen). Second one is ご麵, which is sorry but the ‘めん (men)’ is replaced with ‘麵 (men)’ which means noodles. As for the next, two, idk.
- No idea what this is referencing.
- Purikura is a photo sticker booth where you take pictures and edit them with various backdrops, borders, texts, icons, etc.