CFVT – Vol 1 Chapter 6 Part 1 – A Sudden Invitation for an Off-Collab

The next day, I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. Guided by the sound, I reached for my smartphone, unplugged it from the charging cable, and answered.

“Hello?” (Rui)

As expected, I heard the familiar voice of my childhood friend.

“(Hey, Rui? Were you asleep by any chance?)” (Ayaka)

I rubbed my eyes and checked the time on the clock; it was just past 9 AM. Normally, I’ll be handling my part-time job’s peak hour… but today’s shift starts in the afternoon.

“I WAS asleep.” (Rui)

“(Ahaha! Sorry, sorry, but I just had to tell you my thoughts about yesterday!)” (Ayaka)

Ayaka said with a laugh. Yesterday… ah, she must be talking about [Andou-sensei’s Science Prep Room].

“You watched it, huh? I’m glad, but you don’t have to force yourself to watch just because I was in it, you know? I’m sure you’re busy too, Ayaka…” (Rui)

“(Nonono! I’ve been looking forward to it for so long! I was excited to see you on the show, Rui!)” (Ayaka)

“Really? …So, how was it?” (Rui)

I asked for her thoughts. Ayaka’s voice grew more lively as she began describing enough for me to imagine her movements.

“(It was amazing! Seriously! There was a great response on Twitter, too, and it seemed like you got along well with Sensei and Mochi-chan. I’m really happy for you!)” (Ayaka)

“…I see.” (Rui)

I found myself sitting up. Yeah, that’s right… I am where I am now entirely because of Ayaka. I had completely forgotten that.

“…Thanks, Ayaka.” (Rui)

“(Huh, about what?)” (Ayaka)

“Well, it’s thanks to you. I’ve been able to experience so many things I never could have before. So, you know… I’m grateful.” (Rui)

Saying that made me feel embarrassed, and my drowsiness quickly disappeared. I wasn’t sure if Ayaka noticed, but I could hear her laughing.

“(It’s fine! I’m just happy that you became a VTuber, Rui! So… let’s keep doing fun things together, Rui!)” (Ayaka)

“Yeah… definitely!” (Rui)

“(…So, um, with that in mind, I got a suggestion…)” (Ayaka)

…Huh? Did the mood just change?

“Could it be…” (Rui)

“(Hehe, that’s right! Rui, let’s do another collab! This time, an offline one!)” (Ayaka)

“I knew it… Well, I don’t mind, but didn’t we just do a collab recently? Plus, doing an off-collab with just the two of us might cause some issues…” (Rui)

Saying something like this might make her bring up how we already did one at her house, but that was an exception. I didn’t even know she was planning to stream, and I didn’t know she was a VTuber either… 

While I was thinking that, Ayaka continued in her cheerful voice, not paying any attention to my concerns.

“(It’ll be fine! Besides, I’m not proposing this collaboration without a plan, you know?)” (Ayaka)

“So, what kind of stream are you thinking of?” (Rui)

“(This time, I was thinking of doing a collaboration stream with everyone from the Owen group!)” (Ayaka)

“The Owen group?” (Rui)

That sounded familiar… Where had I heard it before? 

“(Rui, did you forget? You and I are supposed to be attending [Owen’s Magic School]. There are other VTubers at [SkySun] who also used the same school setting. All of us together are known as the Owen group!)” (Ayaka)

“Oh… Right. I’m starting to remember now.” (Rui)

I think Shiozawa-san (head of agency) mentioned something like that. To get me involved with Ayaka, they made me one of the magicians as well… right?

“So, how many people are in this Owen Group?” (Rui)

“(Well… there’s me, you, Karen-chan, and Robin-kun, so four of us!)” (Ayaka)

“Another new name, huh…?” (Rui)

It’s been about a month since I joined [SkySun], but I still haven’t memorized everyone’s faces and names. I should, but unfortunately, my memory isn’t great… 

Besides, until a month ago, I couldn’t even tell the difference between VTubers and anime characters… isn’t that just an excuse?

“(You really should remember these two! You’ll definitely be working with them in the future with this group!)” (Ayaka)

Ayaka spoke quite firmly. Perhaps she was thinking ahead about future activities, and that it’s best to meet the Owen Group members as soon as possible. If that’s the case, I can’t exactly refuse this invitation.

“Alright, got it… I’ll look into the two of them for now.” (Rui)

“(Yeah!)” (Ayaka)

With the call still connected, I opened [SkySun]’s official website on my phone. I scrolled down, searching for the Owen Group members.

“Let’s see, Karen… oh, here she is. Is she this ‘Karen Story’ girl?” (Rui)

I found a silver-haired girl with apple-red cheeks wearing a bachelor’s cap. Her name was written as ‘Karen Story’ below her profile.

“(That’s right! Karen-chan is tiny and really cute!)” (Ayaka)

“Really.” (Rui)

So, a loli type, huh? Well, there’s always a certain demand for that… I thought as I tapped on her profile and read it out loud.

“A kind and dependable genius girl who enrolled at [Owen’s Magic School] by skipping grades… I see. The child prodigy type, huh?” (Rui)

“(Hehe, looking at it this way, your settings are a bit similar, aren’t they, Rui?)” (Ayaka)

“What? I’m neither a loli, nor am I kind or dependable.” (Rui)

“(That’s not for you to judge, Rui.)” (Ayaka)

“Eh, what do you mean by that…?” (Rui)

Still confused, I returned to the list of VTubers on the screen and searched for the other member of the Owen Group. Let’s see, Robin, Robin…

“Oh, found him.” (Rui)

There was a boy with purple hair, wearing earrings, and with a lazy expression. The name written below was…

“Robin Flail… He looks like a cool, strong character.” (Rui)

“(Ah, Robin-kun is actually a mood maker and a bit of a clown!)” (Ayaka)

“Wait, with this appearance…?” (Rui)

“(Yeah!)” (Ayaka)

Oh, I see. So he’s the playful type… Well, that’s fine, I guess? I have no room to criticize him, especially after my character fell apart in my debut stream…

“(Before Rui joined, the three of us used to do things like singing collabs!)” (Ayaka)

“I see. I hope they don’t dislike me for joining the group…” (Rui)

“(It’ll be fine! They’re both really kind, and all the viewers love you, Rui! So, take it easy, okay?)” (Ayaka)

Ayaka threw kind words at me, trying not to let me worry.

“Well… If everyone’s okay with it, then I do want to do my best as a member of the Owen Group… But, are you sure it’s okay for me to join?” (Rui)

“(Hehe, yes! Of course! …By the way, I thought you’d say that,I had already gotten Karen-chan and Robin-kun’s approval.)” (Ayaka)

“As expected of Ayaka, always quick to act… So when are we doing this collaboration?” (Rui)

With a mix of admiration and bewilderment, I asked her about the schedule. Then… Ayaka seemed a bit hesitant to respond.

“(Um, we agreed to do it next week… but we haven’t decided on a location yet. So, I was thinking, what if… just in case you’re okay with it… we could do it at your place, Rui? What do you think?)” (Ayaka)

“Wait… Are you serious?” (Rui)

“(Yeah, I’m serious!)” (Ayaka)

Ayaka echoed my words… Wait, isn’t my house a bit strict with rules and all…?

“Ayaka… Don’t you have any other ideas?” (Rui)

“(Hmm, I did think about other options. I live with my parents, you know? Karen-chan also lives with her family, and Robin-kun’s house is apparently really messy. I also thought about renting [SkySun]’s studio, but I didn’t get an okay from the manager yet.)” (Ayaka)

“Oh… So that’s why it came down to using my place…” (Rui)

“(Yeah!)” (Ayaka)

I see… Well, if you’re really stuck for a location, I guess you could use it. My place is quite a distance from the station, though. And… 

“My apartment is pretty small for a four-person gathering.” (Rui)

“(But there’s enough room for the four of us to sit, right?)” (Ayaka)

“Well… I guess there’s that much, but…” (Rui)

I looked around my room. I tried to look cool by placing a potted plant on my desk, but there were torn cushions and game controllers scattered on the floor… It’s definitely not a clean room, to say the least.

“Even if we were to do it at my place… Ayaka might be okay with it, but would the other two be okay? They might not feel comfortable going to someone’s house they’ve never met… especially if it’s messy.” (Rui)

I said this thinking about everyone’s feelings, but Ayaka lightly hummed, “Hmm,” in response.

“(They said they’re fine with anywhere, but if you’re that worried, why don’t we call them?)” (Ayaka)

“Huh?” (Rui)

“(Karen-chan and Robin-kun. Should we do a group call?)” (Ayaka)

“Uh, um… really…?” (Rui)

If we were just meeting in person, I might still be able to pull it off, but adding a group call in between makes me nervous…Still, I couldn’t just avoid the situation. I already told sensei that I’ll start to pursue my youth. I need to break away from my old self.

With that in mind, I lightly slapped my cheek and made a request to Ayaka.

“Alright, Ayaka. I get it. So, can you go ahead and ask them?” (Rui)

“(Hehe, sure thing! I’ll start by messaging them to see if a call is okay!)” (Ayaka)

“Okay.” (Rui)

Ayaka got in touch with them, and after waiting a few minutes, it seemed like they both replied.

“(Oh, Robin-kun seems available and will join us now! Karen-chan might take a bit more time!)” (Ayaka)

“I see, got it—” (Rui)

Before I could finish my sentence, a notification sound indicated Robin had joined the call.

“Yo, the name’s Robin… Flail! A pleasure to meet you, Rui Boy!” (Robin)

A deep, smooth voice came through… I couldn’t believe it. Could this really be that guy with the strong character vibe… Robin Flail?

“…Is this real?” (Rui)

“(Yeah, it’s really me. By the way, my real name is Tsubasa.)” (Robin)

“Is it okay to just say that?” (Rui)

“(Heh, of course, because you’re Rui Boy. I only give my last name to the other VTubers… And of course, it’s my mother’s maiden name1, right?)” (Robin)

“…” (Rui)

…I don’t get this guy at all! What, what’s going on!? This is scary!

“Um, R-Robin-san, are you… always like this?” (Rui)

“(Yeah, I am bound by nothing… I’m a free spirit!)” (Robin)

“No, I mean, I don’t understand…” (Rui)

“(Heheh! This is just how Robin-kun usually is! It might be a bit tough to get used to at first, but it’s really fun!)” (Ayaka)

“Um, really…? If this is your usual, I’m actually more worried now…” (Rui)

I let out a bewildered sigh… Are VTubers really only popular if they’re this eccentric? Did I really get myself into something incredibly bizarre? Can I still turn back now?

Meanwhile, Robin started chatting with Ayaka.

“(Hey, long time no see, Rei-chan. I think the last time was during the Owen Group karaoke stream, right?)” (Robin)

“(Yeah, that was like three months ago!)” (Ayaka)

“(Time flies, huh? Even though I was sick of the heat every day, now I’m eagerly waiting for the next summer… Right, Ramen Boy?)” (Robin)

“Wait, are you talking about me?” (Rui)

“(Who else could I be referring to, huh? Hahaha!)” (Robin)

“…” (Rui)

Yeah, he’s definitely full of himself… And thankfully, Ayaka managed to steer the conversation back.

“(Um, so Robin-kun, about the Owen Group collab… We’re planning to do it at Rui’s place this time. Is that okay with you?)” (Ayaka)

“(I have no problem with that. Actually, are you sure it’s okay to bother Rui Boy for something like this?)” (Robin)

“Ah, that’s okay. I’m new here, so if it helps everyone…” (Rui)

Robin cut in eagerly, interrupting my words.

“(You don’t need to worry about that, Rui Boy. We’re equals here. Being a newbie or not, those things don’t matter at all.)” (Robin)

“Huh?” (Rui)

“We’re comrades, after all. Let’s drop the formalities. Being able to speak your mind freely to each other… that’s what true friendship is about, right?” (Robin)

“Yeah… you’re right.” (Rui)

After feeling hesitant just moments ago, hearing those words made me trust Robin. Maybe he’s just like me, a bit awkward in various ways… probably.

“Thanks, Robin… But since the location isn’t decided yet, and I’m starting to look forward to it a bit, how about coming to my place?” (Rui)

“(Hmm, if that’s the case, I understand, Rui. In that case, I’ll come over to hang out… shoes off, of course.)” (Robin)

“Why’s that?” (Rui)

“(It’s American-style bonding2.)” (Robin)

“You’re really misunderstanding a lot of things, aren’t you?” (Rui)

Here, a sound effect indicating someone joining the call rang out again.

“(Oh, it looks like Karen-chan is here too!)” (Ayaka)

“(Ah, I’m sorry for being late, Rei-san! I was getting ready to go out!)” (Karen)

A very youthful and cute voice could be heard. It had a distinctive quality like that of a voice actor.

“(It’s totally fine! So… Karen-chan, this is your first time meeting Rui, right?)” (Ayaka)

“(Rui… Ah, you’re Rui-san, right? Nice to meet you! I’m Karen Story! I look forward to working with you!)” (Karen)

“Nice to meet you too.” (Rui)

I returned the greeting. Ah, that’s good. Karen-san seems like a normal person…

“(I’ve heard a lot about you from Rei-san, so I’m glad we can talk like this! Let’s get along well!)” (Karen)

“Yes, of course! By the way… what did Rei say about me?” (Rui)

“(Um… she said you’re like a rabbit!)” (Karen)

“What does that even mean!?” (Rui)

Where did Rei get the idea that I’m like a rabbit…!? Is it because of my short legs or something…!? Anyways, Ayaka interrupted slightly flustered.

“(Well, putting that aside… Karen-chan, we’ve decided to do the next collaboration at Rui’s place. Is that okay with you?)” (Ayaka)

“(Yes! As long as Rei-san is there, I’m fine with anywhere! I’ll follow along!)” (Karen)

Karen seemed completely unconcerned and said so cheerfully. She seems quite attached to Ayaka… 

It was somewhat surprising, but come to think of it, Ayaka was always caring in nature. She used to walk around the town with the neighborhood kids… Well, those were stories from a long time ago though.

“(Hehe, thank you! I’ll let you know the exact date and time soon!)” (Ayaka)

“(I’m looking forward to it!)” (Karen)

“(Well then, see you both later!)” (Ayaka)

“(Yes, excuse me!)” (Karen)

“(Farewell!)” (Robin)

With those words, the two of them exited the call… and Ayaka, who remained, chuckled softly once again.

“(Isn’t it great, Rui? They’re both coming over to your place!)” (Ayaka)

“Yeah, I need to clean up. Such a hassle…” (Rui)

“(Hehe! Just admit you’re looking forward to it!)” (Ayaka)

“…” (Rui)

…Ayaka always seems to see right through me.

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

Something tells me Karen isn’t normal either. Just a hunch, but she might have some obsession with Ayaka. I mean, that’s how it usually goes, right?

Also, this chapter is ridiculously long. As in, it could very well take 10 parts lol.


  1. So maiden name is the surname prior to marriage of a person. So he uses his previous last name when talking to others.
  2. Yeh, I don’t get this.
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