CFVT – Vol 1 Chapter 5 Part 2 – There’s No Such Thing as a Perfect Youth

And then, the main event. We moved to the recording studio and were seated in front of a desk with a standing microphone and a laptop on it. I wondered if this laptop was for moving the avatars, or checking comments… or perhaps both? I’ll ask later.

There were also a few staff members around, and a lot of expensive-looking equipment lined up. I had no idea what they were used for, though… Maybe they were for sound effects?

For now, I greeted the staff and decided to look over the script until it was time to start. Meanwhile, Andou-sensei and Mochi seemed to be chatting. 

Ah, it made me happy to see them getting along behind the scenes… 

I continued watching the scene out of the corner of my eye… My actions were totally that of a typical otaku, huh?

“Um, excuse me.” (Rui)

While I was reading the script, a staff member was fiddling with the computer in front of me, doing something, so I decided to talk to him.

“What’s this used for?” (Rui)

“Oh, this is needed to move the models. There’s a webcam here for that… and you can also check comments with it.” (Staff)

…Ah, I was right.

“I see. Thank you.” (Rui)

“You’re welcome. Good luck, Rui-san.” (Staff)

With that, the young male staff member left… Yeah, it really hit me again how VTubers are made possible by the support of many people… I had to do my best too.

“Oops, there’s just one minute left until we start.” (Kazuo)

“Hehe, are you getting excited, RuiRui?” (Mochi)

“Yeah… I’m looking forward to it!” (Rui)

Honestly, I was still really nervous, but more than that, I was genuinely looking forward to it.

At 7 PM, the stream started. After the title card, [Andou-sensei’s Science Prep Room~!], a heartwarming BGM played in the background as their conversation began.



Comments:『Here it comes!』

Comments:『It’s hereeeeeeeee!』

Comments:『Good evening~』

Comments:『We’ve been waiting!』

Comments:『Just made it in time!』

“…Hey, Sensei. What’s your favorite four-character idiom?” (Mochi)

“That’s sudden, Mochi-san. Is something wrong?” (Kazuo)

“Nah, it’s just that during today’s Japanese class, there was a moment when we had to mention our favorite four-character idioms… and a guy cracked some lame jokes that were just not funny at all.” (Mochi)

“Oh? Like what, for example?” (Kazuo)

“Um… stuff like special moves from smartphone games, old internet slang, and even names of sexy actresses!” (Mochi)

“…I see.” (Kazuo)

Comments:『I can totally picture it…』

Comments:『The guts of a bored middle school boy is too high』

Comments:『Just having fun among themselves, huh』

“So, I was thinking, Sensei, how would you answer that?” (Mochi)

“Ah, I see. In that case… I’d probably go with something safe like ‘一期一会’ (ichi-go ichi-e). It means cherishing each encounter as it happens because I believe in valuing every moment.” (Kazuo)

“Ah, that’s good to hear. If you’d answered something like ‘Grilled beef set meal’ (yaki-niku tei-shouko), I’d probably be blowing this place up!” (Mochi)




Comments:『Blow up… oh man, my head…』

Comments:『Looks like sensei will be time-leaping again lol』

“Ahaha… Even as a joke, try not to say things like that, alright?” (Kazuo)

“Okay.” (Mochi)

At that moment, both of their gazes turned towards me… which meant it was my turn now. With the script in hand, I began delivering the lines I was given…

“…Haa, seriously, Rei? Why can’t you return the grimoire yourself? Why do I have to go all the way to the library for you…?” (Rui)



Comments:『Here he comes!』

Comments:『It’s Ruiiiii!』

Comments:『Ramen power!!』

On the livestream, Rui’s avatar appeared, and the comments section instantly lit up with excitement. Suppressing the surge of joy that welled up inside, I continued my performance.

“Huh… is this the place?” (Rui)

Right after I said that the sound effect of a creaking door played perfectly on cue.

“Huh?” (Kazuo)

“Oh my.” (Mochi)

And the two responded with voices as if meeting me for the first time. Determined not to be outdone, I continued the roleplay.

“…………Huh? Wait, where am I…!? I definitely remember opening the door to the library…” (Rui)

“Oh, are you perhaps a new student? The library is on the third floor.” (Mochi)

“Nono, Mochi-san, take a good look at him. He’s probably someone who got sent here from a different world. His clothes are completely different from ours, right?” (Kazuo)

“Ah, you’re right! That hat looks cool! I want to wear one too~!” (Mochi)

Comments:『It would definitely suit Mochi-chan』

Comments:『Ah, Rui, meeting these two』

Comments:『Rui’s roleplaying is so fresh and funny』

Ignoring the teasing viewers, I continued reading the script aloud…

“No, wait a minute… I don’t understand the situation here… Could it be that I got hit by a teleportation spell or something…!?” (Rui)

“No, probably not. Occasionally, there are distortions in spacetime, and the door here connects to doors from other worlds. Last month, it connected to FairyLand.” (Kazuo)

“…Okay… so where am I right now?” (Rui)

“This is the Science Preparation Room at [Sorahare Middle School]. It’s where Sensei, who hates the staff room, tends to hide away.” (Mochi)

“Mochi-san… please don’t say unnecessary things.” (Kazuo)


Comments:『Sensei is cute lol』

Comments:『I didn’t know that setting』

Comments:『You can even see a coffee maker in the background』

I didn’t know about that setting either… Guess, I have to choose lines that inline with Rei’s character.

“Oh, a school from another world. How interesting…” (Rui)

“Ah, wait, wait! It could cause trouble if other students find out, so how about staying here until the spacetime fixes itself?” (Mochi)

“Yes, that’s a good idea. I recommend that too. You wouldn’t want to attract attention, right?” (Kazuo)

“Well, yeah… I understand. I’ll go along with you guys. Um…” (Rui)

“I’m Mochi, Ichigaya Mochi!” (Mochi)

“I’m Andou Kazuo. I’m a science teacher in this school and also her homeroom teacher.” (Kazuo)

Following their lead, I proceeded with my introduction, adding a slight twist.

“I’m Rui Astika, a sorcerer, or maybe an easier term to understand would be… a wizard.” (Rui)

Comments:『A wizard?』

Comments:『Don’t lie』

Comments:『Isn’t he a ramen shop owner?』

Comments:『When did he change jobs from ramen to this?』

Comments:『No way… Did Rui quit the ramen shop!?』

“…” (Rui)

…I almost laughed at the comments, but I bit my lip and held it in.

“Wizard?” (Mochi)

“That means someone who uses magic. But if that’s true… as a science teacher, I’m quite interested.” (Kazuo)

“But even Mochi has fire powers” (Mochi)

“Are you talking about a game?” (Kazuo)

“No, no! It’s the thing you did before, Sensei!” (Mochi)

“…Are you talking about flash paper? That’s dangerous, so you shouldn’t casually bring it out for fun.” (Kazuo)

Flash paper refers to a highly flammable paper that burns up instantly when lit. This paper is commonly used in magic tricks. I knew that Andou-sensei had used it during an experimental livestream since it had gained a bit of attention online.

“But Sensei, you used one on a livestream before!” (Mochi)

“I’m a teacher, so it’s okay for me. Besides, showing fire in class really grabs the attention of mischievous boys.” (Kazuo)

His words felt oddly realistic… but there was only one line for me to say here.

“Oh… so you’re a fire attribute user?” (Rui)

“Haha, no, I’m not.” (Kazuo)




Comments:『It’s not lol, it’s fire1

Comments:『Maybe a combination of both, like he can sprout a fire.』

Comments:『No, that’s not how it works.』


“…So, Rui-kun. Is there anything troubling you recently?” (Kazuo)

“Huh, why do you ask?” (Rui)

“People who end up here often have something on their mind. We still don’t fully understand the exact reason, though.” (Kazuo)

…That’s right. The guests on this show are supposed to have some sort of problem. Naturally, the specifics are left to the guest, so from here, the conversation won’t follow the script.

“Well… it would be a lie to say there’s nothing…” (Rui)

“I see… If you’d like, why not talk to us about it? Sometimes it’s easier to talk to strangers.” (Kazuo)

Comments:『Sensei is so kind.』

Comments:『What a natural.』

Comments:『Does Rui even have any concerns?』

Comments:『Probably about not being popular』

Comments:『Or maybe it’s how he can’t shake off the ramen shop character?』

The comments section started speculating about my troubles… Perhaps to shift the flow, Mochi spoke to me.

“Ah, Rui Rui, why don’t you sit down for now?” (Mochi)

“Rui Rui? Ah, sure…” (Rui)

Then, Mochi said in a funny voice.

De-de-de-den~~ A chair from the science room~!2” (Mochi)

“There isn’t a backrest…?” (Rui)



Comments:『So nostalgic』

Comments:『Why the old one lmao』


Then, with the chairs set up in the background of the stream, I started to consult the two of them about my worries. I shared something I had thought about beforehand—something I had felt even before becoming a VTuber.

“So, Rui-kun, what’s been troubling you?” (Kazuo)

“Well, ‘troubling’ might not be the right word here, but… sometimes my heart feels heavy.” (Rui)

Comments:『He’s suddenly speaking politely lol』

Comments:『Back to the usual Rui』

Comments:『That was a short roleplay…』

Comments:『Heart feels heavy?』

Comments:『That sounds serious』

Then, Mochi joined the conversation.

“Heart feels heavy? Rui Rui, could it be… love?!” (Mochi)

“That’s a bit of a hasty conclusion, Mochi-san… But if it’s something physical, you should rest or consult a doctor.” (Kazuo)

“Oh no! It’s not that serious! It’s more of a mental kind of thing!” (Rui)

I hurriedly waved both hands in denial. Then Andou-sensei, like a doctor, asked for more details.

“In that case, what is it specifically?” (Kazuo)

“Well, for example… when I watch slice-of-life anime, I feel envious seeing everyone having so much fun.” (Rui)

“Hmm.” (Kazuo)

“Or when I watch videos of bands performing at cultural festivals and think how I wish I could’ve experienced something like that.” (Rui)

“Hmm?” (Kazuo)

“I feel lonely when I see high school couples. Even when playing dating sims, I think about how I wish I had experienced such romance in my school days, and it makes my heart ache……… Ah! I’m still a student!” (Rui)

Comments:『School days…?』

Comments:『Took too long to realize!』

Comments:『I get how Rui feels』

Comments:『I wish I had that kind of student life too…』

The comments showed that quite a few people understood how I felt. Andou-sensei, after a moment of thought, spoke up.

“Rui-san, I think you might be experiencing what we call a ‘youth complex’.” (Kazuo)

“Youth complex?” (Rui)

“Yes, it’s a common thing seen in many people today. It’s likely influenced by the development of social media and other similar factors…” (Kazuo)

“Sensei, what do you mean by a youth complex?” (Mochi)

“To put it simply… it’s when people who couldn’t experience youth during their student days continue to be affected by it into the present.” (Kazuo)

Comments:『That’s harsh!』

Comments:『But Rui is still a student… technically…』

Comments:『Literally me』

Comments:『That hit the viewers hard too』

Although this unexpected comment struck a nerve with the viewers, Mochi remained unfazed.

“Oh, so that’s a thing… But Rui Rui, if that’s your concern, then I think there is an easy way to solve it.” (Mochi)

“Huh?” (Rui)

Instinctively, I turned towards Mochi. When our eyes met, she placed a hand on her cheek and gave a smile.

“You can start your youth from today onwards! Embrace your youth!” (Mochi)

“Huh, experience it now…?” (Rui)

I was puzzled by Mochi’s response, but she sighed and kept her pose.

“Haa… you need to be more proactive, Rui Rui. There are even adults who wear school uniforms and go to theme parks, you know?” (Mochi)

“Well… I know that, but…” (Rui)

“And they say the youngest you’ll ever be is today, right? Instead of worrying, it’s better to just take action immediately, don’t you think?” (Mochi)

Mochi’s words struck a chord with me… Hearing that, Andou-sensei smiled gently.

“Ahaha. Indeed, Mochi-san is right. It’s never too late for anything… And besides, Rui-kun, you’re already in an environment that makes it easy to experience youth, don’t you?” (Kazuo)

“An environment…” (Rui)

“Yes. You’re part of a lively group called [Sky Sunrivers], aren’t you? You have plenty of friends to enjoy your youth with.” (Kazuo)

“…!” (Rui)

That’s right… I’m not alone anymore. There are lots of people in [Sky Sunrivers] who I can play with…! Including the two in front of me…!

“…So, can I invite Andou-sensei to hang out?” (Rui)

“Ahaha. Yes, of course. If it fits my schedule, I’d be happy to join you.” (Kazuo)

“Really? Yes…!” (Rui)

Mochi then voiced her discontent.

“Hey, Rui Rui, aren’t you going to invite Mochi too?” (Mochi)

“Ah, sorry, but if you’re okay with it, I’d love for you to join us…!” (Rui)

“Yay! Then let’s have a ‘Rui Rui’s Youth Recapture Party’ sometime soon!” (Mochi)

“Huh? Oh, yeah! I’m not sure what that means but let’s do that!” (Rui)

Comments:『Good for you, Rui』

Comments:『Thanks to Mochi-chan, it all worked out』

Comments:『It’s so touching…』

Comments:『Happy ending achieved』

Comments:『I want to see more of Rui’s youth too!』

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

Yep, even I felt that. I wish I could just go back to the days of playing games after school. 

Here’s my idea for MC to experience his youth: [Take Ayaka out on a date]. Well, that’s probably too much development since we’re already closing to the end of volume 1.

Well, this was harder to translate than usual, so I hope you aren’t too bothered by some things not making sense.


  1. lol in Japanese is represented as “草”. This character also means grass, so the commenter was saying how it’s not grass attribute, it’s fire attribute.
  2. Imagine this in Doraemon’s voice and zelda item pickup theme in the background.
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It’s soothing with a chapter that’s not just Rui making a fool of himself and being made fun of constantly.