BSS – Vol 2 Chapter 6 – The Match for My British Stepsister’s Club Admission

Ignore my lack of baseball knowledge.

And also:
Kurogane is Shuuto’s last name
Kannagi is Shouta’s last name

<Sophia’s PoV>

Finally, the day has come for the match that will determine my admission to the club.

Since today’s match was extremely important to me, I asked my mother for permission to take the day off her lessons.

I believed that Kento-kun would surely come through, and yet, I couldn’t completely shake off my anxiety.

“—Ah, Kento-kun…” (Sophia)

As I walked down the hallway, I spotted Kento-kun at the entrance, putting on his shoes. Without thinking, I called out to him.

“Hmm? What’s wrong?” (Kento)

Even though he was about to head off to the match, Kento-kun seemed as calm as ever, showing no signs of nervousness.

He exuded the reassuring presence of a seasoned player.

“Did you forget anything?” (Kento)

I tried my best to suppress the overwhelming anxiety, consciously offering him a cute smile.

Once the match began, there would be nothing more I could do, so I wanted to be of some help to him now, even if just a little.

“Yeah, I’m good. Sophia, you’re coming with our parents, right?” (Kento)

“To the venue, yes… But I feel a bit out of place mixing in with them, so once we get there, I plan to split off from them.” (Sophia)

I wasn’t great at blending in with adults, and the thought of standing out as someone carrying a different atmosphere made me uneasy.

Our school would likely win today’s match without any trouble.

If I looked too serious while everyone else seemed calm, I would definitely attract attention.

“I see… Oh, by the way, Kujouin-san said to contact her once you arrive at the venue.” (Kento)

“Nadeshiko-senpai did? But isn’t she supposed to be on the bench?” (Sophia)

She had been on the bench during the summer tournament, and she had also been there for the autumn district preliminaries. Naturally, I assumed she would be on it for this match as well.

However—Kento-kun shook his head.

“Kujouin-san won’t be on the bench for today’s match.” (Kento)

“Huh? Why not…?”  (Sophia)

“She said she wants to cheer together with you.” (Kento)

“Ah…” (Sophia)

As Kento-kun shrugged with a resigned smile, I held my breath.

Nadeshiko-senpai must have assumed that I would end up watching the match alone, lost in my thoughts.

She was being considerate so that wouldn’t happen.

“Whether you contact her or not is up to you, Sophia, but if you don’t mind, you should let her know your choice.” (Kento)

Just as Kento-kun said, I wasn’t obligated to reach out just because I had arrived at the venue.

If I wanted to watch the match alone, I could simply choose not to contact her.

But doing that… would be betraying a senpai who had done so much for me.

“Yes, I’ll make sure to contact her.” (Sophia)

The old me might have chosen not to.

But now, I wanted to face Nadeshiko-senpai properly and repay her kindness.

“Thanks. Well then, I’m heading out.” (Kento)

“Ah—wait…” (Sophia)

Just as Kento-kun opened the door to leave, I instinctively reached out toward him.

Even though there was nothing I could do to stop him.

“Sophia?” (Kento)

“Sorry… It’s nothing…” (Sophia)

I quickly let go of the fabric of his shirt that I had grabbed.

There was a set meeting time, so what was I even doing?

He needed to focus on the match. That was what mattered most right now.

“…Hey, Sophia.” (Kento)

Hearing my name, I lifted my gaze.

“Will you tell me to do my best?” (Kento)

“Eh?” (Sophia)

“I feel like I can really give it my all if you say something.” (Kento)

Kento-kun gave a rare, bashful smile.

Maybe… he had noticed how I was feeling.

A sudden wave of embarrassment surged through me, but I swallowed it down.

This was the last thing I could do for him before the match.

“Do your best, Kento-kun. And make sure to hit three home runs.” (Sophia)

With the biggest smile I could muster, I sent him off.

“—Ah, there you are! Hey, Sophia-chan~!” (Nadeshiko)

When I arrived at the match venue and was waiting near the vending machines, Nadeshiko-senpai spotted me and waved at me.

Behind her, three girls followed, all dressed in baseball club support attire.

“Good afternoon, Nadeshiko-senpai.” (Sophia)

I bowed and greeted her.

That alone seemed to stir the three girls behind her.

It was probably rare for them to see me bow.

“Good afternoon, how are you? Isn’t it hot?” (Nadeshiko)

“The sunlight is bright, but the heat is fine.” (Sophia)

Considering it was October, the temperature was higher than expected, but since I was wearing a hat, I didn’t think I needed to worry about heatstroke.

I also made sure to bring drinks to stay hydrated.

“Good to hear. Well then, let me introduce you to these girls.” (Nadeshiko)

Nadeshiko-senpai called out to the three girls who had been hiding behind her, urging them to come forward.

As a result, all three of them timidly stepped up in front of me.

…I recognized all of them. They were the girls I had casually brushed off in the past, so it was no surprise that they looked nervous.

It’s true that you can’t completely separate the things you’ve done in the past from the present.

Lately, I’ve been regretting a lot of things since then.

The three of them were also managers and introduced themselves one by one, and I made sure to remember both their faces and names right away.

I wouldn’t forget them again, and I wouldn’t act cold toward them either.

From now on, I plan to make an effort to get along with them.

Once their introductions were finished, it was my turn.

I took a deep breath, being careful not to speak too quickly, and opened my mouth.

“I’m Sophia Shirakawa, a first-year in the Special Preparatory Course. I look forward to working with you.” (Sophia)

It was a simple greeting, but I wanted them to get to know me not just through words, but by spending time with me.

I felt that approach suited me better since I wasn’t very good with words.

If only I had better communication skills, maybe I could have bonded with them right then. Unfortunately, my abilities in that area were disastrously low, and before long, they had started distancing themselves from me.

As expected, reality wasn’t as smooth as I had hoped.

And it wasn’t just the students from our school who were staring at us…

“Whoa!? Those girls are way too cute, right?!” (Other Student)

“Hey, go talk to them!” (Other Student)

“No way, you go!” (Other Student)

Students from other schools were also watching us.

The match hadn’t even started yet, but I was already feeling really uncomfortable.

“Try not to mind it, okay? Boys like that are everywhere.” (Nadeshiko)

Having gone through similar experiences herself, Nadeshiko-senpai must have sensed how I was feeling.

She gently smiled and took my hand, leading me away.

She guided me to a spot where I could see the batter more clearly.

“After all, it’s better to be able to see Kento-kun, right?” (Nadeshiko)

“Yes… Thank you…” (Sophia)

I truly respected how thoughtful she was. She was a senpai I could genuinely admire.

Her face was incredibly cute, always wearing a gentle smile, and her voice was pleasing to the ear. Her figure was great too—maybe Kento-kun liked this kind of person…?

From my perspective as a girl, Nadeshiko-senpai was so perfect it almost felt unfair.

I’m jealous…

“Hmm? Why are you staring at my face like that?” (Nadeshiko)

Though I had been glancing at her from the side, it seemed she noticed because I had been looking for a while.

She tilted her head with a puzzled expression, and even that gesture was cute and unfair.

“I thought you were cute, and I was a little jealous…” (Sophia)

“Ahaha… I don’t know how I feel hearing you say that, Sophia-chan…” (Nadeshiko)

I had just said what was on my mind, but Nadeshiko-senpai laughed awkwardly.

It was truly how I felt, though…

“Shirakawa-san, you’re ridiculously cute, after all…” (Nadeshiko)

“But, Kujouin-senpai, you’re ridiculously cute too!” (Sophia)

“You know, I actually envy you quite a bit, Sophia-chan. Really.” (Nadeshiko)

She said it with a certain implication, but I couldn’t quite figure out what there was to envy about me.

As a British person, I did stand out among the Japanese, but standing out also meant attracting unwanted attention.

I was also more likely to face discrimination, so I honestly thought being like Nadeshiko-senpai—Japanese and stunningly beautiful—would be much better.

Her chest was also just naturally bigger than mine.

…I wish I was like that.

“—It’s about to start.” (Nadeshiko)

Seeing the players finish their pre-game warm-up, Nadeshiko-senpai murmured.

“It looks like we’re batting second. The pitcher… is Kurogane-kun, right?” (Sophia)

After looking at the name on the electronic scoreboard, I asked her.

If we win today, there will be another game tomorrow, so it’s unusual for Kurogane-kun to be pitching against a mid-tier school.

“Kurogane-kun insisted on pitching himself so that Kento-kun could focus on batting as much as possible.” (Nadeshiko)

There was probably some debate about it.

Nadeshiko-senpai smiled in a way that suggested she had already resigned herself to the situation.

Kurogane-kun… I had thought he was the type who only cared about himself, but I guess I was wrong.

He was willing to step up for Kento-kun’s sake.

“But if we win today, we’ll be facing a powerhouse team next, won’t we…?” (Sophia)

“Well, either way, Kurogane-kun can’t carry the entire tournament by himself. Even against a strong team, our second and third pitchers will have to take the mound at some point. I’m sure Kento-kun will do his best to lead the team and make it work.”” (Nadeshiko)

If I remember correctly, our school’s coach is a former professional baseball pitcher who retired due to an injury.

Using his bitter experience, he’s made it a policy to avoid overworking a single pitcher, no matter how talented they are, so that no one has to go through the same thing he did.

When I was choosing a school, I made sure to research not only the players who were currently attending or rumored to join, but also the coach, so I’m certain about this.

…Come to think of it, that coach used to be on the same team as my father, didn’t he…?

I don’t remember much…

Even though he was apparently an amazing player in his prime, it’s strange, isn’t it?

If he had such a bold personality, I thought I would never forget someone like that after meeting them just once.

Well, I was rarely allowed to go to the stadium since it would interfere with work, so maybe that’s why I don’t remember.

“More importantly, let’s focus on this game. This match is incredibly important for us as well.” (Nadeshiko)

Nadeshiko-senpai was right.

Winning this game is a given—what truly matters is whether Kento-kun can hit three home runs.

“What’s the pitcher like for today’s opponent?” (Sophia)

Ever since entering high school, I had been too busy with my own studies to follow anything beyond our school’s game results and the records of powerhouse schools aiming for Koshien.

When it came to mid-tier schools and their aces, especially with a new team, I had no idea.

“He’s a control pitcher with great accuracy. His fastball speed is average, but he can precisely place his pitches on the outside low or inside low corners, which makes him tricky to handle. But he only has two breaking balls—a forkball and a curveball—so at the very least, our regulars should be able to start hitting him in the later innings.” (Nadeshiko)

Nadeshiko-senpai seemed to have all the data on the opposing team memorized and quickly explained everything to me.

Indeed, if the pitcher’s strength is his control, then a team full of excellent hitters would likely be able to figure him out by the later innings, even if he’s throwing accurately. Especially the top batters—I’d bet they’d be able to hit well from the start.


“If his control is that good, then he’s not likely to make many mistakes, right…?” (Sophia)

Just because a pitcher’s fastball isn’t overpowering doesn’t mean it’s easy to hit—if he can place it in difficult spots, it could still be tough.

If the batters could sit on just the fastball, that would be one thing, but if he mixed in his curve and forkball well, it might put Kento-kun at a disadvantage—especially since he needed to hit home runs.

—Or so I thought.

“If he doesn’t make mistakes, that just means he’ll throw exactly where he intends to. Kento-kun is the type of batter who reads the pitcher’s sequences, so this matchup is actually really good for him.” (Nadeshiko)

So, it turned out that because of the pitcher’s control, Kento-kun would actually have an easier time.

Now that I thought about it, it made sense. It’s easier to hit a pitch when you expect it and it comes exactly where you anticipated—rather than having a wild pitcher accidentally throw something completely different.

Kento-kun had sharp eyes and rarely mis-hit the ball.

“He can hit three home runs, right…?” (Sophia)

“Of course. He analyzed the opposing battery more than usual, and his batting skills are top-notch. More than anything, I’m really looking forward to this game.” (Nadeshiko)

As always, Kujouin-senpai spoke gracefully, yet there was a hint of excitement in her voice.

It felt like she knew something I didn’t, and that piqued my curiosity.

“Is there something special about this game?” (Sophia)

“Kento-kun has always prioritized the team’s victory over his own performance. If it’s not necessary, he doesn’t aim for home runs. Instead, he thinks about how to score points with minimal risk and keep the game moving forward. That’s how he bats. That’s why I want to see how brightly his talent shines when he’s put in a situation where he has no choice but to hit a home run.” (Nadeshiko)

Watching Kujouin-senpai speak with such joy, I realized something.

I had already suspected it, but she probably—liked Kento-kun.

In a romantic way, too.

I wondered… was she really okay with me joining the team?

“—Really, Kujouin-senpai, you get so talkative when it comes to Shirakawa-kun.” (Other manager)

“You’re usually so graceful and gentle, but when it comes to Shirakawa-kun, you get so passionate while talking about him~” (Other manager)

The other managers must have been thinking the same thing as I was.

Grinning, they started teasing Nadeshiko-senpai.

“T-That’s not it! I always tell you that…! I was just answering because I was asked…!” (Nadeshiko)

For once, Nadeshiko-senpai’s face turned red as she desperately tried to argue back.

Although she had the strong impression of being calm and composed, but at the end of the day, she was a girl our age, just like me.

…She’s kind of cute.

“Come on, it’s our turn! Stand up, stand up…!” (Nadeshiko)

When it was Seijou High School’s turn to bat, Nadeshiko-senpai urged us to get up.

It was probably because we needed to cheer, but I had a feeling she was just trying to hide her embarrassment.

The first batter for Seijou High was Kannagi-kun.

He was always with Kento-kun and had a reputation for being a bit of a jokester.

However, his batting average was on par with Kento-kun’s, making him a solid contact hitter with no apparent weak spots.

“He’s Seijou High’s lead-off hitter. Unfortunately, he can’t take on the role of a decoy, but his high on-base percentage ignites our offense.” (Nadeshiko)

The decoy’s role is to assess the opposing pitcher’s condition—whether their fastball has good velocity, the types of breaking balls they throw, how much they break, and so on—by stepping up to the plate and observing.

They deliberately make the pitcher throw more pitches, and it’s often the job of the first batter in the lineup.

But it seemed Kannagi-kun wasn’t assigned that role.

…Well, he doesn’t seem suited for it.

Even so, being entrusted as the leadoff batter meant that his on-base percentage was so high that it more than made up for his lack of ability as a decoy.

“—He hit it!” (Sophia)

With a sharp crack, Kannagi-kun’s ball shot through the gap between third and short.

He reached first base with ease.

He’s really fast.

“He’s so reliable, isn’t he?” (Nadeshiko)

With the leadoff batter safely on base, Nadeshiko-senpai nodded in satisfaction.

She was usually graceful and quiet, but when it came to baseball, her excitement rose, making her seem like a completely different person.

It was fun to watch.

“Think he’ll run?” (Sophia)

“They’re probably keeping an eye on him, but he’ll most likely go for it.” (Nadeshiko)

Just as Nadeshiko-senpai predicted, the opposing pitcher threw a pickoff attempt to first base. However, he couldn’t catch Kannagi-kun, forcing him to focus back on the batter.

The moment it became clear that no more pickoff attempts were coming, Kannagi-kun easily stole second base.

“Getting run on like that must be frustrating for the pitcher. It messes with their focus and disrupts their rhythm.” (Nadeshiko)

Yeah, having someone constantly moving behind you would definitely be annoying.

Kannagi-kun always had that smug grin on his face too, which probably made it even more infuriating.

“They’re going to bunt him over to third, huh?” (Sophia)

“Even if Kento-kun has his own goals to meet, the team’s priority is winning. The next batter is Kurogane-kun, and Kento-kun is up after him. Our go-to strategy is to secure at least one run between the two of them.” (Nadeshiko)

Kurogane-kun, the ace pitcher, wasn’t just skilled at throwing—he was also an exceptional batter.

His batting average ranked third, right after Kannagi-kun, and in terms of extra-base hits, he was on par with Kento-kun.

He had hit several home runs too, making him one of those infuriatingly talented, all-rounder types.

…Honestly, it was a little irritating.

Why was God so unfair?

The second batter effortlessly laid down a bunt, advancing the runner, and the third batter, Kurogane-kun, casually hit a clean single, allowing Kannagi-kun to make it home.

“First point…!” (Sophia)

With the score on the board, the team erupted in excitement—but I couldn’t focus on that.

Kento-kun’s first at-bat was finally here.

“—Yeah, he’s in the zone and focused.” (Nadeshiko)

Even from a distance, Nadeshiko-senpai could tell what kind of condition Kento-kun was in.

She wore a smug expression, as if she knew exactly what was coming.

While Kento-kun stepped up to the plate, his gaze never left the pitcher.

The opposing team was clearly on high alert against him.

The first pitch was a forkball, but it was outside the strike zone, aka a ball.

Next came a curveball, but that too was a ball.

With the count at 0-2, things weren’t looking great. But maybe he was deliberately letting the count get worse because he was confident he could still get a strike when needed.

That said, a 0-3 count would be risky.

Expecting the pitcher to aim for a strike here, I watched closely—and my prediction was right. The pitcher threw a fastball into the strike zone.

—However, Kento-kun didn’t swing.

“That pitch… Kento-kun could have hit it, right…?” (Sophia)

If even I could predict that a strike was coming, then Kento-kun surely saw it too.

The pitch wasn’t too fast for him to hit, so why didn’t he go for it?

“Yeah. With a 0-2 count, it’s standard for the pitcher to go for a strike, and based on data, the opposing battery usually throws a strike in this situation. Normally, Kento-kun would have gone for it. But since they still had one more ball to spare, the pitcher aimed for a tough spot. It looked like a good pitch, but Kento-kun probably wasn’t certain he could turn it into a home run—so he let it go.” (Nadeshiko)

I see, so that’s why he didn’t swing.

Basically, rather than just going for a hit, he was only swinging at pitches he was sure he could turn into a home run.

This was Kento-kun under the restriction that he had to hit a home run.

After that, Kento-kun carefully selected his pitches, taking balls and working the count to full.

If the pitcher threw a ball, Kento-kun would get a walk. But if he took a strike, it would be over.

Carefully waiting for the perfect pitch to hit a home run had backed him into a corner.

“Kento-kun…” (Sophia)

I clasped my hands together and closed my eyes, as if in prayer.

In baseball, you never know how many at-bats you’ll get. Yet, he was aiming to hit three home runs.

Getting one in his first at-bat would be huge.

Please… hit it…

“—It’s fine. This is all going exactly as Kento-kun planned.” (Nadeshiko)

“Huh?” (Sophia)

As I kept my eyes tightly shut, I felt a hand gently rest on my shoulder.

When I looked up, Nadeshiko-senpai met my gaze with a warm, confident smile.

“Just watch. Kento-kun is going to hit the next pitch for a home run.” (Nadeshiko)

“Eh—” (Sophia)

The moment I hesitated at Nadeshiko-senpai’s words, the sharp, crisp sound of the bat echoed through the air.

“It’s innnnnnn!” (Other managers)

I hadn’t been watching, so I didn’t see where the ball went.

Since I hadn’t been watching, I couldn’t track the ball’s flight, but from the managers’ loud cheers, I understood that the ball had gone into the stands.

Looking over, I saw that the fielders at each base had stepped aside, and the base umpire was making a wide circular motion with his right hand above his head.

Meanwhile, Kento-kun was leisurely jogging around the bases.

Just as Nadeshiko-senpai had predicted, Kento-kun had hit a home run.

“How…?” (Sophia)

I couldn’t help but wonder how she had known and turned to look at Nadeshiko-senpai.

Noticing my gaze, she let out a small, resigned smile and shrugged.

“Sorry, I made you miss it.” (Nadeshiko)

“Ah, no… I would have closed my eyes either way…” (Sophia)

Even if she hadn’t spoken to me, I wouldn’t have seen Kento-kun’s home run as my eyes were closed from praying.

“The opposing ace, you know, has given up almost zero walks so far. Do you know what that means?” (Nadeshiko)

“That means he has good control, right…?” (Sophia)

“Even if someone has good control, having almost zero walks is extremely rare. Even Kurogane-kun gives up a few every now and then. Now, what if I told you that there’s also data showing he often gives up hits when the count is 2-3?” (Nadeshiko)

“Ah…! That means he’s aiming for the strike zone, right…?” (Sophia)

“Exactly.” (Nadeshiko)

My answer seemed to be correct, as Nadeshiko-senpai gave me a playful wink.

Because of his excellent control, the opposing pitcher might be extremely afraid of giving up walks.

So when he reached a situation where he couldn’t afford another ball, even though he had the batter cornered, he became too focused on throwing a strike and ended up pitching into an easy-to-hit zone.

Since his ability to suppress batters relied entirely on his control, if he threw a pitch over the plate in a bad spot, it was bound to get hit.

“Kento-kun was aiming for that from the start…” (Sophia)

“Of course, if an easy pitch had come earlier, he would’ve gone for it. But since the pitcher was deliberately aiming for the edges, it shows he’s a skilled player.” (Nadeshiko)

A skilled player, huh…

“Then shouldn’t he just avoid getting into a three-ball count in the first place…?” (Sophia)

If he was prone to throwing hittable pitches in a full count, wouldn’t it be better to prevent the situation from reaching that point?

Up until then, he had been successfully keeping batters in check.

“The catcher probably hasn’t noticed this habit of the pitcher.” (Nadeshiko)

“…Really?” (Sophia)

“Yeah. He’s been calling pitches in a way that keeps leading the count to full. That’s why I think he hasn’t caught on. You’d be surprised how often people miss things like this. Well, Kento-kun figured it out after just watching a little bit of the data and game footage, though.”(Nadeshiko)

While Nadeshiko-senpai proudly brought up Kento-kun in passing, I couldn’t help but think—wasn’t she a little too fond of him?

As I debated whether to tease her about it, our fifth and sixth batters were quickly retired.

Even though the opposing pitcher had given up a three-run homer in the very first inning, he hadn’t crumbled under pressure. He really might be a solid player.

“At least we got one on the board…” (Sophia)

If Kento-kun hit two more home runs, we would win.

I let out a small sigh of relief—until I noticed Nadeshiko-senpai’s expression.

“Yeah, that’s true, but… three runs in the first inning, huh… This might be bad…” (Nadeshiko)

Her face was unusually serious.

As the game went on, Kurogane-kun threw fastballs relentlessly, striking out batter after batter.

Pure power pitching.

Normally, he relied on controlled pitching to induce groundouts and flyouts, but today he was going all out.

Unfortunately, our offense wasn’t holding up as well. The bottom of our lineup struggled, and one by one, they were taken down by the opposing pitcher.

I could see Nadeshiko-senpai watching them with a look of pity, muttering, “They’re going to get drilled in practice again…”

Judging by her tone, they’d already been through some brutal training before.

And just like that, Kento-kun’s turn at bat came around again in the third inning.

Just like in the first inning, Kannagi-kun got on base. The second batter, seeing the point gap, went for a hit, and though he made perfect contact, the ball flew straight at the opposing shortstop, leading to an unfortunate out.

Then, Kurogane-kun hit a triple, adding another run, which brought us to the current moment.

“Do you think he’ll do the same thing in his second at-bat?” (Sophia)

“Hmm… I don’t think the opposing battery is going to throw him a fastball this time.” (Nadeshiko)

The pitch Kento-kun hit for a home run earlier was a fastball.

To avoid the same mistake, they might try to hold him off with breaking balls.

They probably misunderstood from the last at-bat, thinking that he wouldn’t be able to hit breaking balls.

“I bet he’s going to swing at the first pitch.” (Nadeshiko)

Nadeshiko-senpai made another prediction.

I was curious whether she’d be right again, but more importantly, I wasn’t going to miss seeing him hit a home run this time. I fixed my eyes on him, watching with all my might.

And the result—

“It’s in agaaaaaaain!!” (Other managers)

—Just as Nadeshiko-senpai said, Kento-kun swung at the first pitch and sent the ball flying into the stands.

Senpai, you’re kind of scary.

“How did you know this time…?” (Sophia)

“Ahaha… You don’t have to look at me like that. It’s simple.” (Nadeshiko)

Simple? What part of this is simple?

“The opposing pitcher has a fastball, a curveball, and a forkball. But since his fastball got turned into a home run last time, he’s hesitant to throw it. That leaves the curveball or forkball. But Kurogane-kun is on third base, so if the catcher fails to catch the ball and it gets away, that’s another run. That makes the forkball risky to throw in this situation. That’s why Kento-kun knew the first pitch would be a curveball.” (Nadeshiko)

Nadeshiko-senpai explained it thoroughly, using her fingers to illustrate each point.

She always says she doesn’t study much, but honestly, I was starting to suspect she secretly stays up all night studying. Or maybe she’s just naturally this smart.

Also… she knows way too much about Kento-kun. It’s kind of terrifying.

“I think the first pitch could’ve been a ball too, though…” (Sophia)

“Kento-kun completely saw through the balls in his last at-bat, right? If they can’t get a strike, they have no choice but to aim for the edges of the zone—that’s probably what the battery was thinking. Well, all of this was something Kento-kun told me beforehand anyway.” (Nadeshiko)

Just as I was feeling a little… unnerved by Nadeshiko-senpai, she snapped a wink at me again.

So she knew all this because Kento-kun had already explained it to her.

…So, Kento-kun is the terrifying one?

“Then, does that mean everything is going exactly as Kento-kun planned…?” (Sophia)

“Yeah, since the plan hasn’t fallen apart. Of course, if something unexpected happens, we’ll adjust it, but… we analyzed everything thoroughly for you, Sophia-chan. It’s not that easy for the plan to break down.” (Nadeshiko)

—Correction. They were both terrifying.

What is this baseball team? A bunch of monsters?

Are all powerhouse schools like this…?

I felt like I had just witnessed firsthand the true horror of elite-level teams.

But… knowing they did all this for me made me really happy.

The game continued, and by the end of the third inning, we had a five-run lead. Because of that, at the top of the fourth, Kurogane-kun moved to right field.

The player who had been in right field shifted to left, and the left fielder was taken out, making way for a new pitcher.

Since Kurogane-kun was also one of the core hitters in the cleanup lineup, they couldn’t just bench him, but they were probably trying to save his arm and stamina.

The second pitcher, a second-year student, took the mound and began warming up calmly.

“People say that outside of Kurogane-kun, Seijou High’s pitching staff is pretty thin…” (Nadeshiko)

Nadeshiko-senpai murmured as she watched her teammate practice on the mound, seeming lost in thought.

“I don’t think that’s true at all. Kurogane-kun is amazing, but the second- and third-year pitchers who are entrusted with those roles are very skilled, too. In fact, since Kento-kun has been behind the mask, no one has allowed any runs in an official match.” (Nadeshiko)

I knew that the second-year pitchers didn’t get great evaluations from others.

Well, it wasn’t just the pitching staff.

There weren’t any standout players from the second-year class who had competed nationally during middle school, and some even said it was a year of underperforming talent.

But whether that assessment was correct or not would be decided from this fall onward—now that it’s their year.

Personally, I didn’t have any particular attachment to them, and since they were one grade above me, I didn’t have any strong opinions on the “underperforming” label they were given.


When the news spread that Kurogane-kun decided to attend Aoshi High School, it seemed like many promising players gathered in the first-year class, yet six out of the nine starting players were second-years.

Even the bench was filled with more second-years than first-years.

That must be the second-years’ determination to prove themselves against the notion of being a class with few promising prospects.

At the very least, Coach Hijima is well-known for his meritocratic approach, so I didn’t think it was out of sentimentality.

And when people carry that kind of determination, I believe they’ll make something happen.

“I really hope they make it to Koshien…”

I didn’t know much about them beyond their results and what happened during games, but I wanted those who worked hard to be rewarded.

They had fought a close battle in the summer finals, only to suffer a heartbreaking defeat. Seeing the third-years in tears made me feel this even more strongly.

“This time, we’re going to Koshien for sure. That’s why we need your help too, Sophia-chan.” (Nadeshiko)

Nadeshiko-senpai smiled as she placed her hand over mine.

I wasn’t even officially part of the team yet, and even if I did join, I wasn’t sure what I could do—but for these people, I wanted to do whatever I could.

More than anything, I wanted to go to Koshien—for myself and for the person I loved.

“Do you really think I can be of help…?” (Sophia)

“Sophia-chan, you’re really smart, so I have high hopes for you! Seijou High—or rather, Kento-kun, our core player on both offense and defense, relies heavily on data. Whether we can compile precise data or not has a huge impact on winning or losing. Right now, it’s just Kento-kun and me handling it, but if you help us, that would be amazing!” (Nadeshiko)

Nadeshiko-senpai beamed at me with a warm smile.

Data analysis… That really did sound like something I could be good at.

More than anything, being able to support Kento-kun made me incredibly happy.

From what I had heard earlier, he didn’t just rely on data for calling plays as a catcher but also used it to improve his batting. That meant it was really crucial.

I had to do my best. Absolutely.

If things continued like this, this would be Kento-kun’s last guaranteed at-bat.

“I’ll do my best to be of help.” (Sophia)

“Yeah, I’m counting on you. For that, we need Kento-kun to give it his all too.” (Nadeshiko)

Nadeshiko-senpai nodded with a smile before shifting her gaze back to the field. I followed suit, returning my focus to the game.

The match continued to progress in a completely one-sided manner.

In the fourth inning, with the bases loaded in front of Kurogane-kun, he hit a grand slam. Given his talent, which was said to be capable of making an impact globally, he was already a monster at this stage.

“Now it’s a nine-run lead… Kento-kun, you’re running out of chances…” (Nadeshiko)

Before I knew it, Nadeshiko-senpai had clasped her hands tightly together as if in prayer.

It took me a second to grasp what she meant—until I realized the significance of that nine-run difference.

“Oh… the mercy rule…” (Sophia)

In this tournament, the rule was set at a ten-run lead after five innings.

Since Seijou High was playing as the home team, if they ended the fourth inning with a ten-run lead and the opposing team couldn’t close the gap by the end of the fifth, the game would be called without playing the bottom of the inning.

If the current nine-run lead remained at the end of the fourth, and Seijou High scored just one more in the fifth, the game would end before Kento-kun got another turn at-bat.

At this rate, the only guaranteed chance for him to bat was now.

If he didn’t get a hit here, Kento-kun might not get another turn at bat.

And I had a feeling I knew why Nadeshiko-senpai looked so uneasy.

I wanted it to be nothing more than an unnecessary worry, but reality was—

“Ball!” (No idea who said all this)



“Ball four!”

Kento-kun ended up drawing a walk.

It wasn’t an intentional walk.

If they had intended to walk him, they could have just declared an intentional base on balls.

But after getting hit for two home runs, that pitcher probably lost the ability to throw a strike against Kento-kun.

“In this case… what happens to the promise?” (Sophia)

The game wasn’t over yet.

As long as our team didn’t score one more run, the mercy rule wouldn’t apply.

For now, only the top of the lineup had been scoring, so there was still a chance for Kento-kun to get another turn at bat.

But—I just couldn’t help but ask.

“I wonder… He wasn’t given a real chance to hit, and the pitches he did get, he turned into home runs both times, so he could argue for it… but I doubt Kuzumine-sensei would agree.” (Nadeshiko)

I knew exactly what she meant.

That teacher was our homeroom teacher, after all. There was no way he would nod in approval.

What do I do…? What can I do…?

I turned my gaze to first base, clinging to the sight of Kento-kun.

He had his hands on his hips, his eyes turned toward the sky.

Did he… give up?

After that, the fifth batter got a hit, but the sixth, seventh, and eighth batters all failed to connect, leaving us without any additional runs.

Why…? Why do I have to feel this awful even though we’re winning…?

At this point, I almost wished the other team would score.

If they did, the score gap would shrink, and we wouldn’t have to worry about the mercy rule anymore…

But Kento-kun was still going all out to get outs, without any calculations or hesitation.

The no-hitter was still intact.

“It’s still too early to give up, though.” (Nadeshiko)

“Nadeshiko-senpai…” (Sophia)

I hadn’t given up either.

But even if Kento-kun got another turn at bat, it wouldn’t mean anything if they still refused to pitch to him properly.

Even for him, hitting a home run off balls outside the strike zone would be impossible.

“To tell the truth, we anticipated this scenario.” (Nadeshiko)

“What…?” (Sophia)

Even though the situation was dire, Nadeshiko-senpai looked calm as she said that, so I turned my eyes to her.

They had predicted this? But she had looked more worried than I was just a moment ago…

“I didn’t want to think about it too much, but considering Seijou High’s batting strength, a mercy-rule win was always a likely outcome. And after hitting two consecutive home runs, there was a strong chance that pitcher wouldn’t be able to throw a strike against Kento-kun anymore. His biggest weakness seemed to be his mental game—he crumbles under pressure.” (Nadeshiko)

So not just Nadeshiko-senpai—Kento-kun had anticipated this, too…?

Then… did they already have a plan in place…?

“If they can’t throw strikes, they’ll have no choice but to face Kento-kun. That’s why Kento-kun asked everyone to load the bases for him.”

With the bases loaded, if Kento-kun gets walked, a point will automatically be added, forcing the opposing pitcher to throw strikes. I understood that logic.

But in reality—

“Kento-kun hasn’t had a full base yet, has he? In fact, even though the bases were loaded, Kurogane-kun neatly cleaned things up…” (Sophia)

No matter how much planning Kento-kun did, if it couldn’t be put into action, then it was meaningless.

Not that I was blaming Kurogane-kun for hitting the grand slam, but still…

“It’s a fundamental rule never to hold back in a game. Honestly, even I didn’t expect that grand slam… But I think that was Kurogane-kun providing cover fire.” (Nadeshiko)

“Cover fire…? You mean he didn’t just swing without thinking…?” (Sophia)

“Ahaha… Given the situation, I get why you’d think that… but when it comes to baseball, Kurogane-kun thinks things through very carefully. And he would never do anything to go against Kento-kun’s request.” (Nadeshiko)

I only knew Kurogane-kun as a scary person and someone who was incredible at baseball, so I didn’t really understand why Nadeshiko-senpai was so confident in his intentions.

But if this incredible senpai said so, maybe she was right.

“It’s not just Kurogane-kun. It was hard to get a bases-loaded situation, but I think next inning will be different. Everyone is grateful to Kento-kun and wants to repay that debt. And above all, they really love Kento-kun. They’ll make sure to fulfill his request, no matter what.” (Nadeshiko)

Nadeshiko-senpai said this with a confident smile, then raised both hands in a victorious gesture.

She probably wanted to reassure me, to say that everything would be okay.

“Repay… a debt?” (Sophia)

I didn’t know what Kento-kun did with the other team members in the baseball club. But I imagined that he must be communicating well with everyone, and whenever someone was struggling, he would help them without expecting anything in return.

When you’ve been treated that way, it’s natural to want to repay the favor.

I understood that feeling because I felt the same.

“They’ll definitely fill the bases for him, right?” (Sophia)

“Of course…!” (Nadeshiko)

Then all that was left was for Kento-kun to hit.

As I thought this with a smile, I also felt a bit guilty.

“If things had gone as usual, this game could have ended without too much burden on him… But because of me, he has to hit a home run, and since this is his last chance, the pressure is even higher… I’m really just a burden, aren’t I…? A curse…” (Sophia)

I wanted to help Kento-kun, yet all I had done was drag him down.

Knowing that he was trying so hard for my sake only made it harder to accept that I was the one putting him in this position.

“…Sophia-chan, you’ve got it all wrong.” (Nadeshiko)

“Wrong…?” (Sophia)

“Eii!” (Nadeshiko)

Nadeshiko-senpai suddenly grabbed both of my cheeks and started squishing them.

“Hyah, shtop it pweash…!” (Sophia)

“You can’t keep thinking so negatively, okay? Sophia-chan, you’re actually helping Kento-kun move to the next stage.” (Nadeshiko)

Once my cheeks were finally released, I rubbed them with my hands, still not quite understanding what she meant.

Helping him move to the next stage? I couldn’t think of anything I’d done that would count as that…

“If you’re just trying to comfort me, please stop…” (Sophia)

“No, it’s true. The coach said it, didn’t he? That Kento-kun needs to become a monster.” (Nadeshiko)

What Nadeshiko-senpai brought up was what happened after Kento-kun’s argument with Kuzumine-sensei in the faculty room.

I remembered how, when Kento-kun had been furious in the hallway, the coach had indeed said those words to him.

“The goal of Seijou High’s baseball team is to win the Koshien championship. But to do that, we have to defeat schools that have so-called ‘monsters,’ ‘stars,’ and ‘once-in-a-decade geniuses’ on their teams. And we also have to take down the reigning champions, a ridiculous school where every single regular player is a star athlete. Kurogane-kun might be considered a monster, but that alone isn’t enough. If we want to win the championship, Kento-kun also needs to become a player that people call a monster.” (Nadeshiko)

There were several schools that came to mind when Nadeshiko-senpai mentioned that.

In reality, the Koshien tournament always had teams filled with players known as monsters, and the schools that won the championship were always the ones with those so-called geniuses.

That’s why just one wasn’t enough—they needed at least two.

And even then, they might still fall short against that star-studded powerhouse school.

“Kento-kun is the kind of person who can break through his limits when he carries the expectations of others. He proved that during the summer tournament. That’s why the coach believed you were necessary for him to move on to the next stage, Sofia-chan. Otherwise, he never would’ve come up with such a ridiculous condition.” (Nadeshiko)

A demand as extreme as hitting three home runs—it was meant to push him to grow.

No wonder it wasn’t just Nadeshiko-senpai but even the coach who had gone out of their way for me, someone who wasn’t even an official club member yet.

From the very beginning, they had been acting with Kento-kun’s best interests in mind.

“Am I… not just a burden?” (Sophia)

“At the very least, Kento-kun is turning it into strength. The two home runs he already hit are proof of that. He’s never hit consecutive home runs in two at-bats before.” (Nadeshiko)

Nadeshiko-senpai’s words made my chest tighten with emotion.

Knowing that my presence wasn’t just weighing him down filled me with a joy so overwhelming that I almost felt like crying.

I hadn’t done anything special, but if just being here could help him in some way, that was enough for me.

“As for the pressure, you don’t need to worry about that either. This is the same guy who was sent up as the final batter in the semifinals of the summer tournament—his debut game, no less—and hit a home run. His mental strength is like steel.” (Nadeshiko)

When she mentioned that semifinal match, I recalled the day I first started to feel drawn to him.

That intense expression of focus, sharpened to a frightening degree… Watching him like that, it was impossible to believe that someone like him would crumble under pressure.

“You’re right… I think so too.” (Sophia)

If it was him, he would laugh in the face of this pressure and brush it aside with ease.

“Yeah! Now, Seijou High School’s final inning is about to begin! Let’s give it everything we’ve got and cheer him on!” (Nadeshiko)

Nadeshiko-senpai’s voice rang out as the bottom of the fifth inning—likely their final offensive chance—began.

First up was the ninth batter.

He was a second-year senpai who had been called in as a pitcher during the fourth inning.

Although he tried to hold on by hitting several foul balls, he ultimately grounded out on a low outside pitch.

With one out, the lineup turned over, bringing Kannagi-kun, the leadoff batter, back up.

He had hit successfully in every at-bat so far, proving his consistency.

And this time was no exception—he connected cleanly and got another hit, once again showing just how impressive he was.

The real concern, however, was this next batter.

In his first at-bat, he had laid down a sacrifice bunt.
In his second, he had swung and been put out.
In his third, he had managed to get a hit.

Right now, what they needed was a full set of loaded bases.

All they could do was hope he could push his batting average from .300 to .500 for this moment.

“Show them the pride of a second-year…!” (Nadeshiko)

Beside me, Nadeshiko-senpai clenched her hands tightly, her gaze locked onto the batter’s box.

After nearly two years of playing together, it made sense that she would be so invested.

I also prayed hard, as I knew we needed him to get a hit.

Then, he was pushed to a full count—oh no, but by holding out, he managed to hit a pitch that had become slightly easier for him.

“He did it! He got on base…!” (Other manager)

“Next up is Kurogane-kun…!” (Other manager)

One out, runners on first and third.

Now it was Kurogane-kun’s turn at bat.

If he hit, the game would end.

But of course, no one was going to tell him not to swing, and he wouldn’t accept that kind of order anyway.

So, what was he going to do…?

All I could do was believe in what Nadeshiko-senpai had said—that Kurogane-kun would never betray Kento-kun—and keep my eyes fixed on the field.

As everyone’s gaze locked onto him, Kurogane-kun did something completely unexpected—

A bunt.

Not just a simple sacrifice bunt to advance the runners, but one meant to keep himself safe as well—a safety bunt.

“Kurogane-kun… bunted!?” (Other manager)

“No way…! I’ve never seen him bunt in an actual game before…!” (Other manager)

As the manager girls let out cries of surprise, the ball rolled toward third base.

The third baseman quickly picked it up, but standing on third was the fleet-footed runner, Kannagi-kun.

If he dared to throw to first, Kannagi-kun would dash straight for home in an instant, ending the game.

That was why the third baseman hesitated, unable to throw. In that brief moment, the runner on first advanced to second, and the swift Kurogane-kun sprinted safely to first.

“The bases are loaded!!!” (Other managers)

While the manager girls cheered, Kurogane-kun stood on first with a relaxed expression, his gaze shifting toward the next batter’s box.

From there, Kento-kun was making his way to the batter’s box, their eyes meeting as he walked forward.

Then—almost as if to say I kept my promise. Now you finish this properly—Kurogane-kun sharply pointed at Kento-kun.

In response, Kento-kun gave a firm nod.

And for some reason, his gaze turned toward us.

He stretched out his right hand, reaching straight in my direction.

In the middle of this huge crowd, there was no way he could have found me without knowing exactly where I was.

Maybe he had asked Nadeshiko-senpai in advance where I would be sitting.

Since he had gone through the trouble of reaching his arm toward me, I exaggeratedly mouthed “Go for it!” and clenched both fists in a guts pose.

Kento-kun hadn’t expected me to respond like that—his eyes widened in brief surprise before he broke into a delighted smile.

What is this feeling…? My chest feels so warm.

“…That’s nice…” (Nadeshiko)

I thought I heard Nadeshiko-senpai mumble beside me, but I was too fixated on him to properly take it in.

Kento-kun took a deep breath and stepped into the batter’s box.

—By now, I was probably no longer on his mind.

Right now, the only things in his world were the pitcher standing before him and the opponent’s defensive formation. His mind had to be completely focused on reading the opposing battery’s pitch selection.

I believed in him and waited for the moment.

“…Are they going to walk him again…?” (Other manager)

One of the managers murmured quietly.

The one who immediately responded was Nadeshiko-senpai.

“If they walk him, the game ends in a cold-game loss. They have no choice but to throw strikes.” (Nadeshiko)

Just as she said, now that the bases were loaded, if Kento-kun was walked, the forced run would add another point to the score.

The score difference was already nine runs. If one more run was added, the game would be called due to the mercy rule.

That meant the opposing pitcher had no way to avoid him.

Now, I finally understood what Nadeshiko-senpai meant when she talked about Kurogane-kun’s covering fire.

This nine-run lead was only possible because of his grand slam.

If the lead had only been seven or eight runs, the opposing team might have chosen to walk Kento-kun, even with the bases loaded, just to avoid the risk of him hitting a home run.

If they were at risk of giving up four runs instead of just one, that would have been a reasonable strategy.

That was why Kurogane-kun had instinctively gone for a grand slam.

—No, actually… the fact that he pulled it off on purpose is just ridiculous in so many ways.

“They’re being careful.” (Sophia)

“Probably because it’s his last at-bat, so it’s only natural.” (Nadeshiko)

The strikes were coming in properly, but Kento-kun wasn’t swinging recklessly in desperation.

Even in this high-pressure situation, he remained calm, waiting for the perfect pitch he could turn into a home run.

“—Do your best, Kento-kun…!!” (Sophia)

Caught up in the moment, I accidentally shouted out loud.

People around me turned in surprise, but with the brass band playing and the baseball team’s loud cheers filling the air, my voice likely hadn’t reached the one person it was meant for—Kento-kun.

And yet—just for a moment, his face turned in my direction, and I could have sworn I saw a smile on his lips.

Taking a deep breath, Kento-kun faced the pitcher once more.

And then—

“““He did it!!!””” (Everyone)

—A new monster of a batter was born that day.

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

Here’s a chapter which I have no idea wtf is happening cause I don’t play baseball. Translation is definitely scuffed if you have knowledge on baseball.

Nadeshiko is slowly transitioning to another main heroine.

P.S. I’ll release the epilogue and V3 illustrations within the next 24 hours.


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Thanks for the TL! Yeah I too had to idea wtf are these bunts and all… was this the last chapter of vol.2?

Last edited 7 days ago by Sivic