CSCP – Vol 1 Chapter 4 Part 3 – The Clumsy Student Council President is Weak in the PE Storage Room

“Phew, it’s finally over.” (Takaki)

“Um…” (Nadeshiko)

“Hm?” (Takaki)

“Thank you so much, Gujou-san. I owe you one.” (Nadeshiko)

Togami, in her dusty school uniform, smiled genuinely with a relieved expression. Seeing that face made all the accumulated frustrations melt away.

…Well, I have no complaints about helping someone in need. The problem is that this someone is our student council president and a complete klutz.

“I’m sorry for showing you this side of me again, like yesterday.” (Nadeshiko)

“Don’t worry too much about it. Everyone has days like this… well, sometimes.” (Takaki)

“That’s not comforting at all! …Haa. Really, I’ve just been causing trouble for you, Gujou-san.” (Nadeshiko)

She looked more hunched over than usual, clearly feeling down. Maybe it was a shock to have her usual clumsiness exposed one after another.

“Hey, Togami.” (Takaki)

“What is it?” (Nadeshiko)

“Is it okay if I tell the other student council members about this?” (Takaki)

“Huh?” (Nadeshiko)

Togami’s eyes wavered, showing a hint of fear.

I made an effort to speak in a natural tone, trying not to be intimidating.

“Well, you know. Since these things have been happening in succession, it’s hard to keep hiding them from the other student council members forever. Wouldn’t it be smoother to just admit from the start that you’re a bit clumsy… no, that you have a few absent-minded moments and ask for their support?” (Nadeshiko)

That way, it would reduce my burden too, and the risk of Togami’s clumsiness being exposed to outsiders would also decrease.

As someone who joined the student council to avoid repeating a year, I wanted the student council’s operations to go smoothly. Though it might embarrass Togami, it would be much easier if everyone were to work together.

Despite my reasoning, Togami looked down with a gloomy expression.

“I…” (Nadeshiko)

“Hm?” (Takaki)

“I have to be perfect.” (Nadeshiko)

The words were squeezed out of Togami’s mouth.

Her voice was timid, but behind it, there was a clear determination.

“That’s the only way I’ll be acknowledged. So I have to perform the student council president’s duties perfectly. I can’t let anyone find out I’m the kind of person who gets stuck in a window frame of the gym storage room.” (Nadeshiko)

Well, it would indeed be embarrassing to be known as the kind of person who gets stuck in a window frame.

“But still, it’s already affecting your ‘perfect’ work…” (Nadeshiko)

As I began to object, Togami abruptly bowed her head.

Her glossy black hair spilled down with the ends nearly touching the ground.

“Please! If you keep this a secret, Gujou-san, I’ll do anything! I’ll take care of all your work as the secretary and even handle all your class assignments.” (Nadeshiko)

“…” (Takaki)

While I remained silent, Togami clasped her hands in front of her chest and leaned forward, looking up at me with pleading eyes.

“I’ll do anything for you! I-I mean, since men like, um, lewd things, I can even…” (Nadeshiko)

“Calm down, Togami.” (Takaki)

“Ow.” (Takaki)

I gave Togami a light chop on the head as she started to get carried away.

Reflexively, Togami covered the top of her head with both hands.

It seemed she finally realized she had said something strange.

“I’m sorry. I said something weird.” (Nadeshiko)

“Let’s calm down and talk, okay?” (Takaki)

“Yes…” (Nadeshiko)

Togami became meek and submissive, but her determination remained unchanged.

She looked straight into my eyes with a serious expression.

“Gujou-san, once again, please. Could you keep quiet about what happened yesterday and today?” (Nadeshiko)

“You said you want to be perfect to be acknowledged.” (Takaki)

“Yes. I have to be a proper student council president, there are circumstances…” (Nadeshiko)

“Well… I kind of get how you feel.” (Takaki)

I too had a time when I wanted to be acknowledged by someone.

When I was in elementary school, my mother passed away from an illness, leaving me to live with my father. However, my father got assigned to work overseas alone, and since I refused to transfer schools, I ended up living with my aunt.

Before leaving Japan, my father said, “I’ll come back when Takaki is in high school.”

So, I worked desperately to be able to proudly face my father when he returned. I maintained excellent grades throughout middle school and served as student council president. I put all my effort into the high school entrance exams and got into the prestigious Reishuu High School. Even though I could hardly have video calls with my busy father, I still believed.

When he came back to Japan, he would be happy to see me. He would praise me.

My hopes were crushed just before starting high school with a single message that read, “My return has been postponed. I probably won’t be back for another three years.” It hit me hard. I was so down that I couldn’t focus on studying for the entire spring break, and I might not have even made it to the entrance ceremony if Arisu hadn’t invited me.

After starting school, I managed to shift my feelings, but then I fractured my bone shortly after.

The final nail in the coffin was the fracture and mid-term tests.

There was a sense of emptiness underlying it all.

No matter how hard I tried, it felt like my efforts were futile against things beyond my control.

That sense of emptiness still lingers within me today.

“It might all be in vain.” (Takaki)

“Huh?” (Nadeshiko)

The words slipped out unintentionally.

I didn’t know where to direct my emotions, so I continued speaking spontaneously.

“Just because you put in effort doesn’t mean you’ll be rewarded. That’s just how the world works. There are events beyond your control that could make everything you’ve done pointless. What’s the point of working hard in a world like that?” (Takaki)

Just like I once felt.

Even Togami’s current efforts might be meaningless.

“That’s true. It might all be futile.” (Nadeshiko)

“Huh?” (Takaki)

“I also have the feeling that everything might be pointless.” (Nadeshiko)

Surprisingly, Togami affirmed my words.

I didn’t expect to convince her with such an emotional argument. In fact, I had a feeling she would deny it.

Yet, why?

“Then why do you strive for perfection?” (Takaki)

“Because that’s what it means to me right now.” (Nadeshiko)

Togami looked at me squarely with a resolute gaze.

Her eyes pierced through me, leaving me without a word.

“I might not achieve anything even if I try my best. But I don’t think that should stop me from trying. At the very least, the fact that I tried will still remain. Even if it all amounts to nothing, I want to have moments where I can look back and think, ‘I was trying my best back then’.” (Nadeshiko)

What a dazzling perspective.

She had emotions that I seemed to have lost along the way. That’s how I felt.

Unable to say anything, I watched as Togami nodded slightly.

“I’m sorry for saying something so presumptuous. Shall we leave from here now? It might raise suspicions if we stay here too long without returning.” (Nadeshiko)

She smiled slightly, seeming a bit embarrassed, and brushed off the dust from her uniform.

Ah, honestly… When I look at Togami, it feels like I’m seeing my old self, the me who innocently worked hard every day just to be praised by my father.

To dispel my impatience, I scratch my head vigorously.

Taking a deep breath, I start speaking.

“Hey, Togami.” (Takaki)

“What is it?” (Nadeshiko)

Togami’s eyes, cool and captivating like ice in a summer glass, capture my gaze. The sunlight streaming through the window beautifully illuminates the dancing dust particles. It feels like just the two of us are submerged in the depths of the ocean.

I wonder if this is appropriate to bring up. Will it bother her? Such thoughts cross my mind.

It took some mental preparation.

After a brief pause, I spoke up.

“Would you let me help you, Togami?” (Takaki)

“Huh?” (Nadeshiko)

Togami blinked in surprise and looked back at me.

Swallowing nervously, I continued.

“You’re the student council president, and I’m a member of the student council. If you ever have any problems, I want you to rely on me.” (Takaki)

“I already plan to leave the secretary duties to you though.” (Nadeshiko)

“I’m not talking about just the student council duties. Even if it’s something personal like today, if there’s anything you’re struggling with, I want to help as much as I can. If you rely on me, I won’t tell Arisu or Hourai-senpai about any of this.” (Takaki)

I was retracting my earlier statement, but I felt I’d regret not saying this now.

Togami, who still seemed unsure of the situation, cautiously probed me.

“…Why would you go so far for me, Gujou-san?” (Nadeshiko)

“It’s not like I have a definitive reason. But well, after getting involved this much, it’d leave a bad taste if I just walked away.” (Takaki)

There really wasn’t a definitive reason.

It’s just that I have a meddlesome childhood friend that I couldn’t fully embrace individualism1. It might be a disadvantage to survive in today’s society.

As Togami contemplated my words, she muttered with a troubled expression.

“Well, I would appreciate your help if you offer it… but there’s no benefit for you, Gujou-san… Oh! Could it be money!? Indeed, my family is wealthy, but I don’t have that much disposable income personally… Well, I might have around forty to fifty thousand yen per month…” (Nadeshiko)

“It’s not about money!” (Takaki)

She condensed all the negative aspects of being wealthy into that moment.

I wavered upon hearing a specific amount but managed to restrain myself.

“Anyways, yeah. It saves me from unnecessary guilt, and it helps Togami keep the student council running smoothly. So, it’s a win-win.” (Takaki)

“Well, yes, that’s true…” (Nadeshiko)

“Do you trust me?” (Takaki)

“Yes, I completely trust you, Gujou-san. You’ve helped me yesterday and today.” (Nadeshiko)

Being trusted so easily also makes me uneasy. She seems to be the gullible type of person who would get easily deceived by a fraudster.

“I just feel it wouldn’t be fair if there’s no benefit for you, Gujou-san.” (Nadeshiko)

“I think Sashiki-sensei already mentioned it, but I joined the student council to avoid repeating a year. Ending the term smoothly without any hiccups in the student council would be beneficial for me.” (Takaki)

From my previous conversation with her, it doesn’t seem like failing to fulfill my duties as a student council member would immediately lead to repeating a year. But let’s leave that aside for now.

“In that case, alright. I understand.” (Nadeshiko)

It seemed like Togami finally agreed, and she extended her hand.

I paused for a moment, unsure of what it meant.

“I look forward to working with you, Gujou-san.” (Nadeshiko)

“…Likewise.” (Takaki)

I only realized she was offering a handshake when Togami reached out and grasped my limp hand, which had been hanging limply at my side.

Her cool body temperature transmitted through, and her smooth touch stirred my heart.

In the dimness of the gym storage room, I felt oddly relieved for the moment.

Around the time the sun was beginning to set, we returned to the student council room.

Upon opening the door, Arisu and Hourai-senpai were seated at the long desk, brewing tea from a teapot and nibbling on pastries.

They seemed to have been enjoying quite an elegant time. Meanwhile, I was covered in dust thanks to someone getting stuck in a window frame.

“Oh, you’re both quite late, aren’t you?” (Arisu)

“Good job, both of you. We were just about to check on you if you took any longer.” (Misuzu)

Upon seeing us enter, Arisu gave us a skeptical glare, while Hourai-senpai sighed with relief.

“Oh, sorry about that. It was a bit dim in there so the inspection was quite a hassle.” (Takaki)

“Y-Yes, that’s right! Gujou-san helped me out with various things!” (Nadeshiko)

I flashed a reassuring smile, quickly grabbed my bag nearby, and tried to distance myself from Togami, who spoke in an awkward tone.

We really cut it close… If those two had shown up at that place, there would have been no way to hide Togami’s clumsiness.

“Since Takaki is heading home, I’ll go too. Senpai, shall we start tidying up the teapot and cups?” (Arisu)

“Sounds good. I’ll leave with you guys.” (Misuzu)

“I-I’ll help too!” (Nadeshiko)

The two of them swiftly began cleaning up, with Togami joining in. I considered offering to help but hesitated to handle dishes touched by the girls, so I gave up.

We parted ways with Togami near the station, and at the ticket gate with Hourai-senpai heading in the opposite direction for the train.

Arisu and I boarded a train just before the evening rush hour. We were able to find seats together at the center of the carriage.

When the train started moving, Arisu, sitting next to me, peered at me intently with a serious expression. Despite being childhood friends, her beautiful face being this close made me somewhat nervous.

“…Takaki, you’ve been with Togami-san for quite a while.” (Arisu)

“Well, yeah, it was quite challenging.” (Takaki)

That wasn’t a lie. It might have been even more than just “challenging”.

“…I smell something.” (Arisu)

“Huh?” (Takaki)

Sniffing softly, Arisu leaned closer to my school uniform.

“It smells dusty, like Togami-san. Hmm, I feel like I could also smell the conditioner that she used…?” (Arisu)

Is she a dog or something? Did she really sniff out Togami’s scent too?

“Well, we were working together in the same room.” (Takaki)

I tried to deflect, but she wasn’t letting up.

“Just because you were in the same room, would her hair scent rub off on you? That seems a bit difficult unless you were hugging her or something?” (Arisu)

This girl is too sharp for her own good.

Arisu might be cut out to be a police dog or a detective. I feel like I’ve seen an old drama rerun where detectives used scent as a clue.

“…There’s no way that could happen. You’re talking about me and Togami, you know?” (Takaki)

I subtly shifted my position, creating distance between myself and Arisu.

Seeing my reaction, Arisu narrowed her eyes even more sharply.

“Hmm… suspicious…” (Arisu)

From then until we got off the train several minutes later, I pretended to be asleep to avoid any further scrutiny.

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

Childhood friends can always smell the scent of other girls on the person they’re interested in. It’s like an innate ability at this point.


  1. Individualism means the habit or principle of being independent and self-reliant. Tbh, I have no idea how this sentence is related to the reason but I’m pretty sure I translated it correctly.
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